This post is a SCCM 1902 install guide using baseline media. The SCCM 1902 baseline media is now available for download in Microsoft evaluation center. Last week the SCCM 1902 update was made globally available to all customers.

Update 1902 for SCCM current branch was made available as an in-console update. The script to enable the first wave is no longer necessary now. Therefore you will not find that script now in Technet downloads.

About SCCM 1902

If you are running SCCM version 1802, 1806, or 1810, the SCCM 1902 update should appear in the SCCM console. Else go to Updates and Servicing node of SCCM console and check for updates.

Remember that you install update 1902 starting at the top-level site of your hierarchy. Start the installation from your central administration site or from your stand-alone primary site.

Using the SCCM 1902 baseline media, you can install a new site in a new hierarchy. And that’s what I am going to cover in this post. If you are installing SCCM 1902 for the first time in your setup this guide should help you.

Before you follow the SCCM 1902 install guide, ensure you have read the checklist once. It is always suggested that you invest few minutes in reading about the SCCM 1902 prerequisites. Planning is very important when you want to deploy SCCM in a big setup. If you are looking to perform SCCM 1902 upgrade from previous version, you can refer the following Upgrade Guide.

Step by Step SCCM 1902 Install Guide

The SCCM 1902 install guide is bit lengthy. I will cover several topics that are important while installing SCCM 1902 in the setup.

Step 1 – Setting up the lab

If you are asked to deploy SCCM 1902 in production, you may probably look to install it in a lab setup first. The lab setup is an isolated setup. The clients in lab setup shouldn’t talk to clients in production setup.

Setting up a lab prior to actual deployment will give you fair idea about the product and the errors that you might encounter either during configuration or installation.

So my lab setup is going to be really simple. I have got VMware as hypervisor. You may go with Hyper-V as well and that shouldn’t matter.

Since SCCM 1902 supports Windows Server 2019 for site system roles, I will be using Windows Server 2019 Datacenter as operating system for installing SCCM and other roles.

Virtual Machine NameOperating SystemRolesSpecs
CORPAD.PRAJWAL.LOCALWindows Server 2019 DatacenterActive Directory, DNS, DHCP2GB Memory, 60GB HDD
CORPSCCM.PRAJWAL.LOCALWindows Server 2019 DatacenterPrimary Site Server12GB Memory, 120GB HDD for OS, 250GB HDD for SCCM Content
CORPWIN7.PRAJWAL.LOCALWindows 7 SP1 Enterprise x64Client2GB Memory, 60GB HDD
CORPWIN10.PRAJWAL.LOCALWindows 10 1809 Enterprise x64Client2GB Memory, 60GB HDD
CORPWIN101.PRAJWAL.LOCALWindows 10 1809 Enterprise x64Client2GB Memory, 60GB HDD
CORPWIN102.PRAJWAL.LOCALWindows 10 1809 Professional x64Client2GB Memory, 60GB HDD

That’s pretty much about my lab setup. I will have some more windows clients added soon. After you install the OS, activate the OS and perform windows update. On the severs install the roles such as AD, DNS and ensure your domain controller is setup and ready.

Step 2 – SCCM 1902 Prerequisites / Checklist

As I mentioned earlier, it is important to know about SCCM 1902 prerequisiteá¹£. Microsoft actually lists all the prerequisites for every product they release. However here are some points that you need to keep in mind before installing SCCM 1902.

  1. For site and site system prerequisites for Configuration Manager, read this article.
  2. Supported operating systems for Configuration Manager site system servers – Read this article.
  3. I always recommend to install the latest version of Windows 10 ADK. At the time of writing this post, the latest version of Windows ADK available is 1903.
  4. A minimum version of SQL Server 2012 Native Client which includes support for TLS 1.2 must be installed. Starting in version 1810, the minimum version is SQL 2012 SP4 (11.*.7001.0). Otherwise you might get this warning.
  5. In my lab setup, I will install latest version of SQL Server 2017 – Enterprise edition. I love SQL 2017 because of performance improvements over previous versions.
  6. Install all applicable critical Windows updates on your machines. Restart the machines prior to installing SCCM 1902.

Step 3 – Creating the System Management Container

If you have read the Step 2, it’s time to configure some basic things before we install SCCM. After we have a domain controller configured in our setup, the next step is to create a system management container.

Remember that you create system management container one time in each domain that has a primary or secondary site. This will be used to publish data to Active Directory.

To create system management container

  1. On the domain controller launch ADSI Edit.
  2. Right click ADSI Edit and click Connect to.
  3. On the Connection Settings window, the naming context should be Default naming context. Click OK.
  4. Expand Default Naming Context. Right click CN=System. Click New and create an Object.
create system management container

Select the class as container and click on Next.

create system management container

Name it as System Management. Click Next and click Finish to close the wizard.

create system management container

Step 4 – Grant SCCM Server Permissions on System Management Container

After you create System Management container, you must delegate SCCM server full permissions on System Management container. To do so follow the below steps.

  1. Launch Active Directory Users and Computers.
  2. Click View and click Advanced Features.
  3. Expand System, right click System Management and click Delegate Control.
  4. Click Add. On select users, computers or groups window click on Object Types and check for Computers as object types. Click OK.
  5. Type the name of the primary site server computer account and click OK.
  6. Add primary site server computer account and Click Next.
  7. On the Tasks to Delegate page, click Create a custom task to delegate. Click Next.
  8. Select This folder, existing objects in this folder and creation of new objects in this folder. Click Next.
  9. Select General, Property Specific and Creation/deletion of specific child objects.
  10. Under permissions, click Full Control. When you check the box Full Control, all the other permissions gets checked automatically.
  11. Click Next and click Finish to close the wizard.
Grant SCCM Server Permissions on System Management Container

Step 5 – Extending Active Directory Schema

To extend Schema, use an account that is a member of the Schema Admins security group. Be signed in to the schema master domain controller.

  1. Locate the extadsch which can be found in SMSSETUP\BIN\X64 of the configuration manager setup DVD.
  2. Hold the shift key on your keyboard and right click extadsch and click on Copy as Path.
  3. Launch the command prompt. Right click and click paste and hit enter.
  4. You should see the line Successfully extended the Active Directory Schema.
  5. Open the log file extadsch.log located in the root of the system drive. You should see the line Successfully extended the Active Directory Schema.
Extending Active Directory Schema

Step 6 – Install Web Server IIS (Prerequisites)

To enable Web server role and other features, login to SCCM server. Launch Server Manager and click Manage > Add Roles and Features. Select Web Server (IIS) server role and click Next.

Enable/Install the following features :-

  • .Net Framework 3.5 Features [Install all sub features]
  • .Net Framework 4.5 Features [Install all sub features]
  • BITS
  • Remote Differential Compression

Enable/Install the following Roles Services :-

  • Common HTTP Features – Default Document, Static Content.
  • Application Development – .NET Extensibility 3.5 and 4.5. Select ASP.NET 3.5, ISAPI extensions, ASP.NET 4.5.
  • Security – Windows Authentication.
  • IIS 6 Management Compatibility – IIS Management Console, IIS 6 Metabase Compatibility, WMI Compatibility and IIS Management Scripts and Tools.

Complete the installation of all the features and role services and close the wizard.

Step 7 – Installing Windows ADK 1903

First of all download the Windows ADK 1903. Note that you have to download both ADK and Win PE addon. For the list of Windows ADK version and downloads, refer Windows ADK versions for Windows 10.

  • Download the Windows ADK for Windows 10, version 1903
  • Download the Windows PE add-on for the ADK

First install Windows ADK version 1903. Run the ADK setup and select the following features.

  • Deployment Tools
  • User State Migration Tool

Click Next and complete the remaining steps.

Windows ADK for Windows 10 version 1903

Now run the adkwinpesetup. By default the feature Windows Preinstallation environment (Windows PE) is selected. Click Install. Close the wizard.

Windows PE add-on for the ADK

Step 8 – Supported SQL Server for SCCM 1902

The following versions of SQL server are supported by SCCM 1902. Hope this table helps you decide install the right SQL server version for SCCM 1902.

SQL ServerEditionMin Cumulative Update
SQL Server 2017Standard, EnterpriseCU2
SQL Server 2016 SP1, SP2Standard, EnterpriseNot CU Required
SQL Server 2016Standard, EnterpriseNot CU Required
SQL Server 2014 SP1,SP2,SP3Standard, EnterpriseNo CU Required

I will be installing SQL Server 2017 Enterprise edition in my setup. The SQL and SCCM will be installed on same server. I will later patch it with cumulative update 2 or latest available CU.

Note – Configuration Manager requires a 64-bit version of SQL Server to host the site database.

Step 9 – Install SQL Server 2017

Mount the SQL server ISO. Launch the SQL server setup (run as administrator). On the installation window, click Installation and then click New SQL server stand-alone installation.

SQL Server 2017 Setup

Feature Selection – Select Database Engine Services and click Next.

SQL Server 2017 Install

Instance Configuration – Select Default Instance. Click Next.

SQL Server 2017 Install

Specify the service accounts. Note the you must use a separate account for each SQL server service.

SQL Server 2017 Install

Click Collation tab. Ensure that collation is SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS.

SQL Server database collation

Click Add Current User to add the account to SQL server administrators. Click Next. Complete the remaining steps. Close the setup wizard and finally reboot the server once.

SQL Server database collation

After the SQL installation, install the cumulative update 2. If you see a higher version of cumulative update, you can install it.

Step 10 – Installing SQL Server Management Studio

In this step we will download and install SQL Server Management Studio on primary site server. Download the latest version of SSMS and run the SSMS executable as administrator.

The Installation is simple, just click Install and wait for installation to complete. A reboot is required after installation.

Install SQL server management studio

Step 11 – Install WSUS Role

If you are planning to deploy updates using SCCM, then WSUS is required. To install WSUS on Windows Server 2012 R2, launch Server Manager. Click Manage, click Add Roles and Features. Select Windows Server Update Services and click Next.

SCCM 1902 Install WSUS

Select WSUS Services and Database as these are the ones that are actually required. Do not select WID Database here. Click Next.

SCCM 1902 Install WSUS

Specify a folder to store updates. Click Next.

Install WSUS

Specify the database server where you want to store the WSUS database. Enter the server name and click Check connection.

You must see the message Successfully connected to server. Click on Next. Complete the remaining steps and wait for installation to complete.

Install WSUS

The next step is to complete post installation tasks. To do so click Launch Post-Installation tasks.

Install WSUS

After the post installation tasks are complete, login to SQL server management studio. Expand Databases and you should see WSUS Database SUSDB entry. Close the management studio.

Verify SUSDB

Step 12 – Installing Reporting Services

When you install SQL server 2017, it doesn’t include reporting services. You have to download and install it separately. Download SQL server reporting services 2017 from here.

Run the setup and click Install Reporting Services.

Install SQL Server 2017 reporting services

Select Install Reporting Services only and click Next.

Install SQL Server 2017 reporting services

Restart the server to complete the SQL Server 2017 reporting services installation. We will configure the report server later.

Install and Update Third Party Applications with Patch My PC
Install and Update Third Party Applications with Patch My PC
Install SQL Server 2017 reporting services

Step 13 – Configure Firewall Settings for SCCM 1902

Before we install SCCM 1902, the firewall has to be configured properly so that you don’t face issues while deploying client agents. If there is a firewall between the site system servers and the client computer, confirm whether the firewall permits traffic for the ports that are required for the client installation.

  • File and Printer Sharing.
  • Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI).

You also need to create a group policy to open TCP ports 1433 and 4022. Refer the following post to configure firewall settings for SCCM 1902.

Step 14 – Download SCCM 1902 Baseline Media

The version 1902 baseline media will be made available for VLSC and MSDN customers soon. However you can download SCCM 1902 from Microsoft EvalCenter.

If you already have the SCCM product key, you can download eval copy and activate the product. Download SC_Configmgr_SCEP_1902.exe. You can either double-click this file or manually extract it to a folder using winrar or 7zip.

Step 15 – Install SCCM 1902 using Baseline Media

It’s time to install SCCM 1902 using baseline media now. Run the Splash HTML application from the setup folder. This brings up the System Center Configuration Manager install wizard.

Now click Install.

SCCM 1902 Install Guide

Click Next.

SCCM 1902 Install Guide

Select Install a Configuration Manager primary site. Check the box “Install a Configuration Manager Primary site“. Click Next.

SCCM 1902 Install Guide

If you have the SCCM product key, enter it else install the evaluation edition and click Next. You can later get the product key and activate SCCM using this guide. Click Next.

SCCM 1902 Install Guide

Accept the license terms. Click Next.

SCCM 1902 Install Guide

The Configuration Manager setup requires some prerequisite files. You can either download them now or if you have previously downloaded it, provide the path. Click Next.

SCCM 1902 Install Guide

Specify the Site code, Site name. Click Next.

SCCM 1902 Install Guide

Click Next.

Configuration Manager 1902 Setup

On the Settings Summary page, verify all the settings and click Next.

Configuration Manager 1902 Setup

During the SCCM 1902 prerequisite check, I got 2 warnings.

  • Verify site server permissions to publish to Active Directory – You get this warning when the permissions for AD Container are not assigned direct to the CM computer account. In my case i am sure that permissions are correct. Hence i will ignore this warning.
  • SQL Server Native client version – To fix this warning, refer this post.
sccm 1902 prerequisite check

I fixed the SQL server native client version warning. I will skip the the AD related warning and click Begin Install.

SCCM 1902 Install Guide

To monitor the SCCM 1902 installation, open ConfigMgrSetup.log file using CMTrace tool.

The SCCM 1902 installation is complete. Click Close.

SCCM 1902 Install Guide

Launch the Configuration Manager console. At top left corner of the console, click that down arrow and click About Configuration Manager.

  • Version – 1902
  • Console Version – 5.1902.1085.1700
  • Site Version – 5.0.8790.1000
SCCM 1902 Install Guide Using Baseline Media Snap36

Still Need Help?

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Prajwal Desai

Prajwal Desai is a technology expert and 10 time Dual Microsoft MVP (Most Valuable Professional) with a strong focus on Microsoft Intune, SCCM, Windows 365, Enterprise Mobility, and Windows. He is a renowned author, speaker, & community leader, known for sharing his expertise & knowledge through his blog, YouTube, conferences, webinars etc.