This article covers the steps to install SCCM Software Update Point (SUP) role. Let’s see how to install and configure ConfigMgr SUP (software update point) role.
A software update point (SUP) integrates with Windows Server Update Services (WSUS) to provide software updates to Configuration Manager clients.
If you decide to deploy software updates to your clients using SCCM, you must ensure the software update point role is installed and configured correctly. You can follow this guide to install SUP role in SCCM.
What is Software Update Point in Configuration Manager?
A software update point is a WSUS server controlled by Configuration Manager. We know that WSUS is a standalone solution that enables the administrators to deploy the latest Microsoft product updates.
Unlike WSUS the clients do not download or install updates directly from a software update point. Instead, the only data downloaded by the client from a software update point is the update metadata.
To deploy updates to client computers, the software update point role is required on the central administration site and on the primary sites. While the ConfigMgr SUP role install is optional on secondary sites.
Planning for a new Software Update Point Install
So if you have got a SCCM hierarchy consisting of CAS, Primary site and Secondary sites, you install the ConfigMgr SUP role on CAS first, then primary site and secondary sites.
Most organizations don’t have CAS and prefer a stand-alone primary site. When you have a stand-alone primary site, you must install and configure the software update point on the primary site first, and then optionally on secondary sites.
The software update point site system role must be installed on a server that has WSUS role installed. I have covered the WSUS role installation in most of my current branch baseline install guides.
For stand-alone WSUS install, check the following post WSUS installation on Windows Server 2019.
The ConfigMgr software update point interacts with the WSUS services to configure the software update settings and to request synchronization of software updates metadata. I recommend reading the “Plan for Software Updates” article by Microsoft.
Software Update Point Requirements
Before you install the SCCM SUP role in SCCM on a Windows Server, ensure you read the below listed prerequisites.
- Always refer to this article before you install site system servers and roles on Windows Servers. This is important because the role that you intend to install must be on a supported Windows Server OS.
- Ensure you enable .NET Framework 3.5 under Windows Server roles and features. In addition, install a supported version of the .NET Framework version 4.5 or later. Starting in version 1906, Configuration Manager supports .NET Framework 4.8.
- Install the Windows Server Update Services on a computer before installing a software update point. This is a critical prerequisite.
- If you plan to install both WSUS and SUP role on a distribution point server, it is supported.
- When you install a new site, ConfigMgr automatically installs SQL Server Native Client. However, the Configuration Manager doesn’t upgrade SQL Server Native Client. Make sure this component is up-to-date.
Tip: When you install WSUS role on Windows Server 2019 or 2022, the WSUS version is 10.0.17763.1. And it’s version 10.0.14393 when you install WSUS role on Windows Server 2016.
Install SCCM Software Update Point Role
Using the below steps, install Software Update Point role in SCCM.
- Launch the SCCM console.
- Navigate to Administration > Overview > Site Configuration > Servers and Site System Roles.
- Right-click the server on which you wish to install Software Update Point role and click Add Site System Roles.
On the General page, click Next.
On the Proxy page, you can specify proxy server details if you have it in your setup. Otherwise, click Next.
Finally, we are on the System Role Selection page. From the list of available roles, select Software Update Point. This installs SUP role in SCCM. Click Next.
Specify Software Update Point Settings
On the Specify software update point settings page, under WSUS configuration you find two options.
- WSUS configured to use ports 80 and 443 for client communications.
- WSUS configured to use ports 8530 and 8531 for client communications.
The WSUS upstream and downstream servers will synchronize on the port configured by the WSUS Administrator. Select the second option here because it’s a default setting for WSUS installed on Windows Server 2012 and above. The firewall on the WSUS server must be configured to allow inbound traffic on these ports.
We also see two other options :-
- Require SSL communication to WSUS Server – With this options checked or enabled, you can use the SSL protocol to help secure the WSUS that runs on the software update point. WSUS uses SSL to authenticate client computers and downstream WSUS servers to the WSUS server.
- Allow Configuration Manager cloud management gateway traffic – Enable this option for the software update point site system to accept CMG traffic.
Click Next.
Software Update Point proxy server settings
If you have a proxy server configured in your setup, specify the proxy server settings for SUP. The options are greyed out because you must configure the site system role to use a proxy server first.
WSUS Server Connection Account
You can configure an account to be used by the site server when it connects to WSUS that runs on the software update point. When you don’t configure this account, the Configuration Manager uses the computer account for the site server to connect to WSUS.
Click Next.
SUP Synchronization Source Settings
In this step you select a synchronization source for the software update point. In other words you define the source from where updates download.
- Synchronize from Microsoft Update – Use this setting to synchronize software updates metadata from Microsoft Update. In case you have an upstream software update point configure, this option is unavailable. Note that this setting is available only when you configure the software update point on the top-level site.
- Synchronize from an upstream data source location – Use this option to synchronize software updates metadata from the upstream synchronization source. If you select this option, specify a URL, such as https://WSUSServer:8531, where 8531 is the port that is used to connect to the WSUS server.
- Do not synchronize from Microsoft Update or upstream data source – Use this option to manually synchronize software updates when the software update point at the top-level site is disconnected from the Internet.
WSUS Reporting Events
You can create WSUS reporting events on the Synchronization Source page of the wizard or on the Sync Settings tab in Software Update Point Component Properties.
- Do not create WSUS reporting events
- Create only WSUS status reporting events
- Create all WSUS reporting events
Since the Configuration Manager doesn’t use these events, you can leave the default option enabled – Do not create WSUS reporting events. Click Next.
SUP Synchronization Settings
You can define a synchronization schedule and configure the software updates to sync automatically. Click Enable synchronization on a schedule box and configure the sync schedule.
You can either select Simple Schedule (also known as recurring schedule) or go with a custom schedule. By default, the synchronization occurs every 7 days. You can change it if required.
You can also let Configuration Manager create an alert when the synchronization fails on the site. I prefer to enable this option because I get to see an SUP sync failed alert in the Configuration Manager console.
Click Next.
SUP Supersedence Rules
On this page, you can configure the software update to expire as soon as it is superseded by a recent update. You can also set a software update to expire after a specific period of time.
Starting in Configuration Manager version 1810, you can specify the Supersedence rules behavior for feature updates separately from non-feature updates. This is a nice addition.
Under Supersedence behavior for updates and feature updates, you find the below options.
- Immediately expire a superseded software update
- Do not expire a superseded software update until the software update is superseded for specific period. When you select this option, you must specify the months to wait before a superseded software update expires. By default it is set to 3 months.
At this point, I will go with the default settings and click Next.
WSUS Maintenance Options
To automate the cleanup procedures after each synchronization, Microsoft has added some cool WSUS Maintenance options. If you are using Configuration Manager version 1906 or newer, you will find these new options under WSUS settings.
The WSUS Maintenance options that you get when you install ConfigMgr SUP are as follows:
- Decline expired updates in WSUS according to Supersedence rules
- Add non-clustered indexes to the WSUS database
- Remove obsolete updates from the WSUS database
Since we are installing the SUP on a new server, you can leave these options unchecked. We can later revisit and enable them.
Click Next.
Configure Max Run time for Software Update Installation
Specify the maximum amount of time for a software update installation to complete. I am going to leave the values to default because they look fine to me. However, you can change the values if required.
- Maximum run time for Windows feature updates – 120 minutes
- Maximum run time for Office 365 updates and non-feature updates for Windows – 60 minutes.
Click Next.
Software Update Content Configuration
On this page you have to select whether you want to deploy full files for approved updates or deploy both full files and express installation files.
Express installation files download quickly because of lesser size and install quickly. I am going to select Download full files for all approved updates and click Next.
Software Update Point Classifications
When you say you deploy a software update, it is actually a very broad term. This is because every software update is defined with an update classification. This helps to organize the different types of updates.
When you install SCCM Software Update Point, during the synchronization process, the site synchronizes the metadata for the specified classifications.
Once you know what classifications you require, you can enable them under All Classifications.
Wait a minute, let me cover something significant here. When you first install the software update point on the top-level site, you must clear all the software updates classifications.
After the initial software updates synchronization, configure the classifications from an updated list, and then re-initiate synchronization.
Click Next.
ConfigMgr SUP Products Selection
As we didn’t select anything from All Classifications, we won’t select any of these products for now. Moreover, you may not see all the products listed because we haven’t performed the initial SUP synchronization.
We will select the products once we complete the initial SUP synchronization. Click Next.
SCCM SUP Filter Products
With the ConfigMgr 2203 release, under Software Update Point Properties > Products tab, there is a new filter products option available.
In the Filter search box, you can enter the name of any product, and it will be populated or filtered from the list of SUP products.
To know more about the SUP filter products option, read ConfigMgr Software Update Point filter products article.
Software Update Point Languages
Here you can configure languages for the Software update file setting in the properties for the software update point. For every language, you can select the software update files and summary info to download.
In this example, I will select only English as Software Update Point language. Click Next.
On the Summary page, click Next.
Click Close on Add Site System Roles wizard Completion box. This completes the installation of Software Update point role in SCCM.
Verify Software Update Point Role Installation
The SCCM log files are the best way to find out the SUP role installation status. In my other blog I have listed the software updates related log files which you can refer during software updates troubleshooting.
In most cases the installation goes well however if it fails you must know which log file to check. The SUP log files are located under <Drive:>\Program Files\Microsoft Configuration Manager\Logs
So the first log file you must open is SUPSetup.log. Look for the line Installation was successful. With this we ensure the software update point role installation is successful in SCCM.
======== Installing Pre Reqs for Role SMSWSUS ========
Found 1 Pre Reqs for Role SMSWSUS
Pre Req SqlNativeClient found.
SqlNativeClient is already installed (Product Code: {9D93D367-A2CC-4378-BD63-79EF3FE76C78}). But to support TLS1.2, a new version with Product Code: {B9274744-8BAE-4874-8E59-2610919CD419} needs to be manually installed
Pre Req SqlNativeClient is already installed. Skipping it.
======== Completed Installation of Pre Reqs for Role SMSWSUS ========
Installing the SMSWSUS
Checking for supported version of WSUS (min WSUS 3.0 SP2 + KB2720211 + KB2734608)
Checking runtime v4.0.30319...
Found supported assembly Microsoft.UpdateServices.Administration version, file version 6.2.17763.1
Found supported assembly Microsoft.UpdateServices.BaseApi version, file version 6.2.17763.678
Supported WSUS version found
Supported WSUS Server version (6.2.17763.678) is installed.
CTool::RegisterManagedBinary: run command line: "C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v2.0.50727\RegAsm.exe" "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Configuration Manager\bin\x64\wsusmsp.dll"
CTool::RegisterManagedBinary: Failed to register C:\Program Files\Microsoft Configuration Manager\bin\x64\wsusmsp.dll with .Net Fx 2.0
CTool::RegisterManagedBinary: run command line: "C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30319\RegAsm.exe" "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Configuration Manager\bin\x64\wsusmsp.dll"
CTool::RegisterManagedBinary: Registered C:\Program Files\Microsoft Configuration Manager\bin\x64\wsusmsp.dll successfully
Registered DLL C:\Program Files\Microsoft Configuration Manager\bin\x64\wsusmsp.dll
Installation was successful.
Perform Initial SUP Synchronization
Software updates synchronization is the process of retrieving the software updates metadata that meets the criteria that you configure. Software updates are not displayed in the Configuration Manager console until you synchronize software updates.
Here is how you perform the initial software update synchronization after you install SUP role in SCCM.
- First of all launch the SCCM console.
- Go to Software Library > Overview > Software Updates > All Software Updates.
- On the top ribbon, click Synchronize Software Updates.
On the confirmation box, click Yes.
When you run the initial SUP sync, it tries to sync categories but notice what happens. If you open wsyncmgr.log file, it tells you that Request filter does not contain any known categories or classifications. Hence sync will do nothing.
At this point, let the sync complete. If you see the line “Done synchronizing SMS with WSUS Server” it means the SUP sync is complete.
sync: SMS synchronizing categories SMS_WSUS_SYNC_MANAGER
sync: SMS synchronizing categories, processed 0 out of 355 items (0%)
sync: SMS synchronizing categories, processed 355 out of 355 items (100%)
sync: SMS synchronizing categories, processed 355 out of 355 items (100%)
WARNING: Request filter does not contain any known classifications. Sync will do nothing.
WARNING: Request filter does not contain any known categories. Sync will do nothing.
Done synchronizing SMS with WSUS Server
Enable SUP Classifications and Products
After the initial WSUS Sync is complete, let’s enable the classifications and products under software update point role.
In the Configuration Manager console, navigate to Administration > Overview > Site Configuration > Sites. Select the site, right click and click Configure Site Components > Software Update Point.
On the Software Update Point component properties box, select Classifications tab. Enable the ones that you require. In this example, I am selecting Critical Updates and Security Updates.
Next, click Products tab and select the products. In this example I am selecting Windows 10 product. Once you are done with selections, click Apply and OK.
After you select Classifications and Products, you must run the software update point synchronization again. Only then you will see the updates for selected products appearing in the console.
Open the wsyncmgr.log file and you will notice the updates synchronization begins. Based on the products and classifications that you select, it takes time for the process to complete.
During the sync process, you may not find any updates listed under All Software Updates.
Once the SUP synchronization is complete, notice the updates listed under Software Updates.
What’s Next
Let me list some useful posts that can refer after you set up SCCM software update point role.
- How to deploy Software Updates using SCCM
- Deploy Office 365 updates using ConfigMgr
- SCCM Catalogs for Third-Party Software Updates
Still Need Help?
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