In this post, we will demonstrate the steps to install Google Drive using Intune. The procedure involves adding the Google Drive app from the Enterprise App Catalog to Intune and assigning it to Windows devices.

Microsoft Intune Enterprise App Management enables you to easily discover and deploy applications and keep them up-to-date from the Enterprise App Catalog. Intune administrators can now create apps in Intune with just a few clicks.

The Google Drive app is a piece of software developed by the Google team that provides content management and collaboration, as well as AI-powered search, real-time editing, and powerful security and team management tools.

Google Drive data can be accessed using either the browser or the app. If multiple users in your organization require access to files stored on Google cloud storage, it makes sense to deploy the Google Drive app via Intune.

Install and Update Third Party Applications with Patch My PC
Install and Update Third Party Applications with Patch My PC

Install Google Drive using Intune

Follow the below steps to add the Google Drive app from the Intune Enterprise app catalog and install it on Windows devices.

Select the Google Drive app from the Enterprise App Catalog

  • Sign in to the Microsoft Intune Admin Center.
  • Go to Apps > Windows and select Add.
  • In the Select app type pane, click on the drop-down and select the Enterprise App Catalog app.
Add the Google Drive app to Intune
Add the Google Drive app to Intune

Click on Search the Enterprise App Catalog to find apps you would like to add to your tenant. In the search box, type “Google Drive,” and from the search results, select the Google Drive app.

Add the Google Drive app to Intune
Add the Google Drive app to Intune

On the Configuration tab, you’ll see the following details about the Google Drive app package:

  • Package name: Google Drive
  • Language: en-US
  • Architecture: x64
  • Version:

To proceed, click the Select button.

Add the Google Drive app to Intune
Add the Google Drive app to Intune

Configure App Information

On the App Information tab, you’ll notice that most of the Google Drive app information is pre-populated by Microsoft. This includes details such as Name, description, publisher, app version, etc. The other thing that you can configure is a logo for the app. Scroll down a bit and choose a logo for the Google Drive app.

Once done, click Next.

Configure App Information
Configure App Information

Also Read: How to deploy Google Drive using SCCM

Configure Program Information for Google Drive App

On the Program tab, you configure the app installation and removal commands for the Google Drive app.

What is interesting is that Microsoft has preconfigured the installation and uninstall commands for the Google Drive app. You can also configure the app installation time in Intune from the default 60 minutes to a custom value.

For deploying the Google Drive app, Intune uses the following install and uninstall commands:

  • Google Drive install command: “GoogleDriveSetup.exe” –silent –desktop_shortcut –skip_launch_new –gsuite_shortcuts=false
  • Google Drive Uninstall command: “%ProgramW6432%\Google\Drive File Stream\\uninstall.exe” –silent –force_stop

Click Next.

Configure Program Information for Google Drive App
Configure Program Information for Google Drive App


On the Requirements step, specify the requirements that devices must meet before the Google Drive app is installed:

  • Operating system architecture: 64-bit. This is prefilled by Enterprise App Management
  • Minimum operating system: Click the drop-down and select the minimum OS.

You may configure other information, such as disk space required, physical memory required, minimum CPU speed, and logical processors. However, these are optional.

After you have configured the above, click Next.

Configure Requirements to Install Google Drive using Intune
Configure Requirements to Install Google Drive using Intune

Detection Rules

The detection rules for the Google Drive app are prefilled by Enterprise App Management in Intune.

Intune uses the following detection rule for detecting the Google Drive app on Windows devices:

  • Rule type: Registry
  • Key path: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall{6BBAE539-2232-434A-A4E5-9A33560C6283}
  • Value name: DisplayVersion
  • Detection method: Version comparison
  • Operator: Greater than or equal to
  • Value:
  • Associated with a 32-bit app on 64-bit clients: No
  • Report the detected registry value as the app version: Yes

Click OK to accept the detection rule. Click on Next.

Detection Rule for Google Drive app deployment
Detection Rule for Google Drive app deployment

Review the values and settings that you entered for the Google Drive app. Verify that you configured the app information correctly. Click on Add App to add the Google Drive app to Intune.

Install Google Drive using Intune
Install Google Drive using Intune

Once you perform the above steps, the Google Drive app is added from the Enterprise app catalog, and content is uploaded into Intune. This will take at least 10–15 minutes, or even more. So you’ve got to be patient during this process.


Once the app is successfully created in Intune, you’ll have to assign this app to your devices or users. In the Intune admin center, go to Apps > Windows and select the Google Drive application. Now click on Properties, and next to Assignments, select Edit.

On the Assignments tab, you have three options for assigning the Google Drive app to users or devices:

  • Required: The app is installed on devices in the selected groups.
  • Available for enrolled devices: Users install the app from the Company Portal app.
  • Uninstall: The app is uninstalled from devices in the selected groups.

You can test the Google app deployment in Intune with a pilot group, and once it works, you can scale it up to a larger set of users or devices.

Once you have finalized the assignments, click Review and Save.

Assign Google Drive application to Windows devices in Intune
Assign Google Drive application to Windows devices in Intune

Refresh Intune Policies on Windows devices

After the Google Drive app is deployed via Intune, the devices will get the app when they check in with the Intune service. You can also force sync Intune policies on your computers in case you don’t find the app installed or listed in the company portal. See also how to resolve Intune Company Portal issues if you encounter issues with the company portal app.

Monitor Google Drive app deployment in Intune

After you have assigned the app to the device groups, you can track the deployment to see how many devices successfully installed the Google Drive app and how many failed or were not installed.

In the Intune admin center, select Apps > Windows and use the search box to locate the Google Drive app. Select the application, and on the Overview blade, you can see how many users or devices have successfully installed the app.

The screenshot below shows that the Google Drive app deployment is successful on our devices. For the remaining devices, the deployment is in progress, and once that is completed, the dashboard will be updated.

Monitor Google Drive app deployment in Intune
Monitor Google Drive app deployment in Intune

To verify if the Google Drive application installation is successful via Intune, sign in to one of the Windows devices. Click Start and type “Google Drive,” and the app appears in the search results. To launch the app, click Open.

On Windows 11, the installed Google Drive app also appears in the Apps > Apps & Features > Apps list.

This completes the tutorial on deploying Google Drive using Intune. If you have any questions, please let me know in the comments section.

Still Need Help?

If you need further assistance on the above article or want to discuss other technical issues, check out some of these options.

Prajwal Desai

Prajwal Desai is a technology expert and 10 time Dual Microsoft MVP (Most Valuable Professional) with a strong focus on Microsoft Intune, SCCM, Windows 365, Enterprise Mobility, and Windows. He is a renowned author, speaker, & community leader, known for sharing his expertise & knowledge through his blog, YouTube, conferences, webinars etc.