While installing Configuration Manager hotfix KB4529827, the new console update install failed. The error was one or more errors have been occurred while installing new console.

At end of the hotfix install, I got a console upgrade window. Clicking OK started the new console install step but it never completed.

There was no error displayed on the screen and the next time when I launched the Configuration Manager console, I got the upgrade window again. I am not sure if this issue was related to hotfix however I wanted to fix this because you shouldn’t use an old version of console.

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SCCM Console UpgradeIf you encounter SCCM console install error 1618, check this post – https://www.prajwaldesai.com/sccm-console-install-failed-error-1618/

Configuration Manager Console Update Fails

So initially I assumed some process running on the server could be blocking the new console install. I restarted the server and launched the Configuration Manager console.

Usually when the console upgrade fails, a server restart is recommended in several forums. May be the server restart helps but that didn’t help in my case. The upgrade window appeared again and I clicked OK.

This time I got window displaying Update complete for extension 0 of 1. One or more errors have been occurred while installing new console.

Clicking Report button opened the AdminUI.ExtensionInstaller.log.

one or more errors have been occurred while installing new console

In the AdminUI.ExtenstionInstaller.log, all I saw was a line that said Started to install new console and after few steps, Reinstalling Console. Seems like the new console update never installed.

Starting the process Working Directory C:\Program Files (x86)\ConfigMgr10\AdminconsoleSetup\469A3000-14DA-425E-B288-4B0E16DB87C4, Executable: ConsoleSetup.exe Arguments /qb
AdminUI.ExtensionInstaller.exe Information: 0 : Started to install new console.
AdminUI.ExtensionInstaller.exe Information: 0 : Start extracting command line:C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Configuration Manager\AdminConsole\bin\AdminUI.ExtensionInstaller.exe SiteServerName=CORPSCCM.PRAJWAL.ORG ReinstallConsole
AdminUI.ExtensionInstaller.exe Information: 0 : argument:SiteServerName=CORPSCCM.PRAJWAL.ORG found, setup wmi connection
AdminUI.ExtensionInstaller.exe Information: 0 : argument:ReinstallConsole found, add ReinstallConsole to tasks
AdminUI.ExtensionInstaller.exe Information: 0 : Successfully extracted command line: C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Configuration Manager\AdminConsole\bin\AdminUI.ExtensionInstaller.exe SiteServerName=CORPSCCM.PRAJWAL.ORG ReinstallConsole
AdminUI.ExtensionInstaller.exe Information: 0 : AdminUI.ExtensionInstaller.exe will ReinstallConsole for console on this machine connecting to Wmi=CORPSCCM.PRAJWAL.ORG in UI mode.
AdminUI.ExtensionInstaller.exe Information: 0 : Start checking local console information.
AdminUI.ExtensionInstaller.exe Information: 0 : Start checking if there are admin console processes running.
AdminUI.ExtensionInstaller.exe Information: 0 : Reinstalling Console...

Thankfully the log file also contained the path from where the consolesetup was initiated.


So I browsed to that folder and manually executed the consolesetup.exe which started to install the console.

Run consolesetup.exe

Finally the Configuration Console update was installed successfully.

SCCM Console installed successfullyI am not sure if you prefer to install the console update manually but that was the only trick that worked here. If something else worked for you, please share it in comments.

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Prajwal Desai

Prajwal Desai is a technology expert and 10 time Dual Microsoft MVP (Most Valuable Professional) with a strong focus on Microsoft Intune, SCCM, Windows 365, Enterprise Mobility, and Windows. He is a renowned author, speaker, & community leader, known for sharing his expertise & knowledge through his blog, YouTube, conferences, webinars etc.