In this post we see the steps for installing site system roles in configuration manager 2012 R2. These roles are added to extend the management functionality of the site. In this post we will be installing the Application catalog website point, Application catalog web service point and Fallback status point. There are many sites system roles available in configuration manager 2012 R2, we shall install them when it is required. You can find the step-by-step guide for SCCM 2012 R2 here.
Before we start installing site system roles in configuration manager 2012 R2 we will see a brief description about each and every site system role.
Site System Roles
Site System Role – A computer on which you run the Configuration Manager setup program and which provides the core functionality for the site. Any computer, either server or workstation, hosting a site system role is referred to as a site system server.
Site Database Server – Site Database Server hosts the SQL Server database, which stores information about Configuration Manager assets and site data.
Component server – This is any server running the ConfigMgr Executive service.
Management point – Provides policy and service location information to clients and receives configuration data from clients. The Management Point facilitates communication between a client and site server by storing and providing policy and content location information to the client, and receiving data from the client such as status messages and inventory.
Distribution point – Contains source files for clients to download, such as application content, software packages, software updates, operating system images, and boot images.
Reporting services point – This role is used to integrate reporting through SQL Server Reporting Services and is required if using reports.
State migration point – Stores user state data when a computer is migrated to a new operating system during OSD.
Software update point – Integrates with Windows Server Update Services (WSUS) to provide software updates to Configuration Manager clients.
System Health Validator point – Validates Configuration Manager Network Access Protection (NAP) policies. This role must be installed only on a NAP health policy server.
Endpoint Protection point – This is an optional site system role that Configuration Manager uses to accept the Endpoint Protection license terms and to configure the default membership for Microsoft Active Protection Service.
Fallback status point – The FSP provides an alternative location for clients to send up status messages during installation when they cannot communicate with
their management point. This role helps you monitor client installation and identify the clients that are unmanaged because they cannot communicate with their management point.
Out of band service point – Provisions and configures Intel AMT-based computers for out of band management.
Asset Intelligence synchronization point – Connects to System Center Online to download Asset Intelligence catalog information and upload uncategorized titles so that they can be considered for future inclusion in the catalog.
Application Catalog web service point – Provides software information to the Application Catalog website from the Software Library.
Application Catalog website point – Provides users with a list of available software from the Application Catalog.
Enrollment proxy point – Manages enrollment requests from mobile devices so that they can be managed by Configuration Manager.
Enrollment point – Uses PKI certificates to complete mobile device enrollment and to provision Intel AMT-based computers.
Installing Site System Roles In Configuration Manager 2012 R2 is pretty simple but you must check if the role is really required. In this post we will be installing Application Catalog web service point, Application Catalog website point and Fallback status point. Application Catalog Website Point site system role provides users with a list of available software. When the SCCM client is installed on a computer, the software center includes a link to Application Catalog. The Application Catalog shows the users, list of available softwares. This will be possible only when you install the roles. The Application Catalog Web Service Point system role provides information about available software from the Software Library to the Application Catalog website.
Open the Configuration Manager console, Select Administration, Under Site Configuration select Sites. Click on Add Site System Roles.
Leave this page to default and click on Next.
If you have an Internet proxy server please specify the details here, else click Next.
Select Application Catalog Web Service Point, Application Catalog Website Point, Fallback status point. Click Next.
Leave the fallback status point settings to default and click Next.
Application catalog website communicates with Application catalog web service point using port 80. Do not change anything here, Click Next.
Click on Next.
Provide the Organization Name and choose the color. With the below customization when an user opens the Application Catalog link from his computer, user would see that website theme color is Blue and organization name is what we have entered. Click Next.
Alright, we have added the site system roles. Lets check if they are installed correctly.
You can check logs of Application catalog website point by opening the log file named awebsctl.log. The log file is located in C:Program FilesMicrosoft Configuration ManagerLogs. Look for the line AWEBSVC’s http check returned hr=0, bFailed=0. Wait for few minutes while we see the change in the status.
We see that the AWEBSVC’s status is changed from failed or unknown to online.
To check Application catalog Web service point log role installation details, open the log file awebsvcMSI.log with CMtrace log viewer and look for the line Application Web Service — Installation Operation Completed Successfully.

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