In this post, I will show you how to set application logo in Intune. When you create an application in Intune, you can assign a logo to it, and this logo will appear as an icon in the company portal for users.

There are two ways to assign a logo to an application in Intune: while creating the application in Intune or by editing an existing application that has no logo assigned.

Assigning logo to applications in Intune is completely optional however I recommend it because it becomes easy for users to identify the applications in the company portal. The icon that you specify for an application appears in the company portal along with the application. This helps users identify the application by looking at the icon.

Install and Update Third Party Applications with Patch My PC
Install and Update Third Party Applications with Patch My PC

Intune allows you to configure branding customization details for the end-user experience. By customizing the end-user experience, you can help provide a familiar and helpful experience for your end users.

Like Intune, even Configuration Manager allows you to specify icon for applications. You can also set your company logo for software center notifications. The icon that you specify for applications will be shown to the user when they launch the Software Center. You can even customize software center branding to improve overall user experience for users.

Assign a Logo for Existing Application in Intune

When you create an application in Intune, sometimes you forget to specify the logo. I’ve had this happen to me on numerous occasions when I forgot to include a logo when creating an application. But don’t worry, by following a few simple steps, you can assign the application logo.

You can assign a logo for existing application in Intune with following steps:

  • Sign in to Microsoft Endpoint Manager (Intune Portal).
  • Navigate to Apps > Windows. From the list of Apps, select the App that you wish to assign a logo and select Properties.
  • Next to App Information, click Edit. Scroll down until you find the logo option.
  • Click Select Image to specify a logo for the application.
  • Select Review+Save to finalize the changes you made.
Assign a Logo for Existing Application in Intune
Assign a Logo for Existing Application in Intune

When you define a logo for existing Intune application, this logo will appear next to the app throughout Company Portal.​ You can also highlight and show this app as a “featured app” in the Intune company portal to get users to download it.

Assign a Logo for Existing Application in Intune
Assign a Logo for Existing Application in Intune

How to Set Application Logo in Intune

Follow the below steps to set application logo in Intune portal:

  • Login to the Microsoft Endpoint Manger admin center.
  • In the left pane, click Apps and select Windows Apps.
  • From the list of applications, select the application and click Properties.
  • Edit the App Information and set the logo for the application.
  • Review and save the information.

As an example, I am selecting an application that doesn’t have any logo set. On the application window, under Manage click Properties.

How to Set Application Logo in Intune
How to Set Application Logo in Intune

Next to App information click Edit.

How to Set Application Logo in Intune
How to Set Application Logo in Intune

Under Edit application properties perform the below steps to set or modify logo for the application.

  1. Scroll down and look for logo option and click Select Image.
  2. Click the Browse icon and select the logo for the application.
  3. The logo size used here is 256 x 256 and ensure the logo is visible when you select it.
  4. Click OK. Click Review + save and then click save.
How to Set Application Logo in Intune
How to Set Application Logo in Intune

Finally, let’s launch the Company Portal and check if the application logo is now visible. If you have made any changes to the application, you need to wait for few minutes because the client needs to sync the policies with Intune. If you don’t wish to wait, you can manually sync Intune policies on Windows Devices. After a few minutes, the logo that you assigned to the application should be visible in the company portal.

How to Set Application Logo in Intune
How to Set Application Logo in Intune

Still Need Help?

If you need further assistance on the above article or want to discuss other technical issues, check out some of these options.

Prajwal Desai

Prajwal Desai is a technology expert and 10 time Dual Microsoft MVP (Most Valuable Professional) with a strong focus on Microsoft Intune, SCCM, Windows 365, Enterprise Mobility, and Windows. He is a renowned author, speaker, & community leader, known for sharing his expertise & knowledge through his blog, YouTube, conferences, webinars etc.