In this post, I will show you how to fix SCCM update stuck downloading state. If your SCCM in-console updates are stuck in downloading state for a long time, you can try the solutions covered in this post.

The most common issue that you encounter with SCCM updates is that you cannot install the update because they are stuck. And you see the status of update is in downloading state, and it never progresses further.

An SCCM update may get stuck due to various reasons but to quickly fix the SCCM update download issues, you can always make use of CMUpdateReset tool. You may also think of restarting the SCCM services or even restart the Configuration Manager server once.

I have seen most people in SCCM Forums complaining that they are unable to install the latest current branch update. When they upload the screenshots, I see the update is stuck in downloading state.

Observation: If the SCCM update shows downloading, is it actually downloading the update? On the site server if you go to \Program Files\Microsoft Configuration Manager\EasySetupPayload, you should see what actually is downloaded.

In most cases, you can resolve SCCM Update Stuck Downloading State issue with CM Update Reset Tool. This tool can resolve issues when in-console updates have problems downloading or replicating.

Why does SCCM Update Get Stuck in Downloading State?

There are many reasons why the SCCM console update get stuck in downloading state. It could be a firewall issue, Antivirus blocking the download of SCCM Updates, Proxy issues etc.

In most cases, you can review the SCCM log files to determine the reason behind updates getting stuck at downloading. The dmpdownloader.log is an important log file to review when you encounter issues with ConfigMgr in-console updates not downloading.

The most common errors recorded in dmpdownloader.log file are Failed to Download Easy Setup Payload Exception. Here is an excellent article on how to resolve Failed to Download Easy Setup Payload Exception errors.

Fix SCCM Update Stuck Downloading State

We will now look at the steps to resolve SCCM update stuck in downloading state. The below screenshot illustrates the case where the in-console update is stuck in Downloading State. The status of update remains in downloading state for a long time, but the update never gets downloaded.

If the SCCM update is stuck in downloading state for a long time, the best way to resolve this issue is to use the CMUpdate Reset Tool. To use the SCCM update reset tool, you will need the Package GUID of the update. Please read the following guide to get the package GUID of SCCM update.

Fix SCCM Update Stuck Downloading State
Get Package GUID | Fix SCCM Update Stuck Downloading State

When the SCCM in-console update downloads, the setup files are located in a folder called EasySetupPayload. The EasySetupPayload folder is located in ConfigMgr Installation directory.

If you go to EasySetupPayload folder, you will find a folder with name that matches the Package GUID. If you check the folder size it shows 0 bytes. This means the SCCM update package is not downloaded yet.

EasySetupPayload Folder
SCCM Update Package Size

CMUpdate Reset Tool Options

Using SCCM update reset tool, you can either reset the update that has download problems or force delete the problematic SCCM update package.

The CMUpdateReset utility is located in ConfigMgr_Installation\cd.latest\SMSSETUP\TOOLS folder of the site server. SCCM administrators should have access to this folder location to use this tool.

You can reset an SCCM update that is stuck in downloading state with following steps. First, run the command prompt as administrator and change the path to CMUpdateReset folder. Run the CMUpdateReset.exe (also called as CMUpdate Reset Tool) and that will show you the tool usage options or examples.

cmupdatereset tool options
CMUpdate Reset Tool to Fix SCCM Update Stuck Downloading State

The below information is useful to run the CMUpdate reset tool all describing the options and parameters that you can use to reset the update.

Microsoft (R) System Center Configuration Manager Update Reset Tool
Copyright (C) 2019 Microsoft. All rights reserved.

Usage: Run CMUpdateReset.exe on any server. The User who runs the tool must have administrator rights on all site servers and on the service connection point server.
[-S SQL Server FQDN of the top-level site]
[-I SQL Server instance name, optional for the default instance]
[-D Database name]
[-P Package GUID]
[-FDELETE Force deletion of the package]
[-? Show syntax summary]

Example to run the default CMUpdateReset.exe:
CMUpdateReset.exe -S -D CM_XYZ -P 61F16B3C-F1F6-4F9F-8647-2A524B0C802C
CMUpdateReset.exe -S -I MyInstance -D CM_XYZ -P 61F16B3C-F1F6-4F9F-8647-2A524B0C802C

Example to force delete the package:
CMUpdateReset.exe -FDELETE -S -D CM_XYZ -P 61F16B3C-F1F6-4F9F-8647-2A524B0C802C
CMUpdateReset.exe -FDELETE -S -I MyInstance -D CM_XYZ -P 61F16B3C-F1F6-4F9F-8647-2A524B0C802C

Do not restart SMS_EXECUTIVE service if the tool is used to reinitiate replication. If the tool is used to clean up and redownload the package, you must restart the SMS_EXECUTIVE service or Check for Updates in console, after successfully running the tool.

CMUpdate Reset tool can be used in two ways:

  • You can reset an update (If the update is stuck downloading).
  • If the first method doesn’t work, you can force delete the problematic package. This will ensure the new update package is downloaded in the console.

Whenever you want to fix SCCM update stuck downloading state, always try resetting the update first. This is a safer option. However, if you still see the ConfigMgr update stuck in downloading state, try force deleting the package.

In my case, I did an update reset and based on the CMUpdate reset tool output, the update package that was stuck in downloading state was reset, and it was successful.

Successfully ran the CMUpdateReset.exe tool. If the tool deleted the package (check Updates and Servicing to see if the package is listed). You must restart the SMS_EXECUTIVE service on the top-level site. Or, use Check for Updates in console to re-download the package.

Note: If the SCCM update package is re-initiating replication or installation, DO NOT restart the SMS_EXECUTIVE service.

Fix SCCM Update Stuck Downloading State
Fix SCCM Update Stuck Downloading State

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Install and Update Third Party Applications with Patch My PC

Still Need Help?

If you need further assistance on the above article or want to discuss other technical issues, check out some of these options.

Prajwal Desai

Prajwal Desai is a technology expert and 10 time Dual Microsoft MVP (Most Valuable Professional) with a strong focus on Microsoft Intune, SCCM, Windows 365, Enterprise Mobility, and Windows. He is a renowned author, speaker, & community leader, known for sharing his expertise & knowledge through his blog, YouTube, conferences, webinars etc.