In this article, I will show you how to export SCCM device collection using multiple methods. You can manually export all the devices from a SCCM device collection to a CSV file, use a PowerShell command or use the export option from SCCM console and export them to an Excel file.

If your device collection includes a large number of users or devices, you might want to export the list to Excel for analysis. Exporting a device collection or a user collection can be done from the SCCM console.

In some cases, you may be asked to export devices from the Configuration Manager device collection to a CSV file and compare it with another report. In such situations, you can use the export option in the SCCM console to complete your task.

Install and Update Third Party Applications with Patch My PC
Install and Update Third Party Applications with Patch My PC

We know that in Configuration Manager, collections are groupings of users or devices. Use collections for tasks like managing applications, deploying compliance settings, or installing software updates.

Read: How to create collections in Configuration Manager

Ways to Export Device Collection in SCCM

There are multiple ways to export SCCM device collection, and here are some of them:

  • Using SCCM console to export device collection details – This is the easiest and preferred option.
  • Use a PowerShell script to export the device collection – This method is a bit complex depending upon the script. The PowerShell script to export device collections is available on many sites on the web.
  • Export-CMCollection PowerShell cmdlet – This option is for SCCM admins who prefer to manage ConfigMgr environment using PowerShell cmdlets.
  • Use SCCM Report to export resources from a device collection – This is a suitable option if you have access to SCCM reports. Reports allow you to export a device collection to multiple file formats.

There is a difference in SCCM between exporting some devices from a device collection and exporting all devices from a device collection. If you are using a PowerShell script to export the devices out of device collection, it may or may not work correctly. Since we have a nicer built-in option to export the devices, use it to export the device collection.

Read: Export SCCM Task Sequence using Console and PowerShell

Manually Export Device Collection to Excel

Is there a way to export a device collection in SCCM to a CSV or Excel file? Yes, the easiest way to export devices from a collection is to open your collection, select the devices, do a Ctrl+C and then open Excel and paste the clipboard contents.

Even before Microsoft added the export option in the SCCM console, the option to copy the devices and export to Excel was already present in SCCM. You can also export selected devices from the SCCM console to an Excel file.

Learn: How to Create Windows 11 Device Collection in SCCM

Let’s see how to export the device collection manually to an Excel file. Launch the SCCM console and go to Assets and Compliance > Devices. Open a device collection in SCCM and select all devices using the Ctrl+A keys. To copy the devices and other information, use the Ctrl+C keys.

Note: Before you copy the device data from the ConfigMgr console, you can add or remove the columns. This will simplify the entire process, and you will get to export only the details that you are looking for.

Manually Export Device Collection to Excel
Manually Export Device Collection to Excel

Open the Excel application and select “Blank Workbook.” Now paste the devices into Excel. All the devices that were listed in the SCCM console are now copied over to the Excel file. This is how you manually export SCCM device collections to Excel.

Manually Export Device Collection to Excel
Manually Export Device Collection to Excel

Export SCCM Device Collection from ConfigMgr Console

From the ConfigMgr console, you can export a device collection using the following steps:

  • Launch the Configuration Manager console.
  • Go to Assets and Compliance\Overview\Device Collections.
  • Right-click a device collection that you want to export and select Show Members.
Export SCCM Device Collection from Console
Export SCCM Device Collection from Console

The Show members option displays all the devices that are part of the device collection. Right-click anywhere on the screen and select Export to CSV file > Export all items. Column names and the data are copied to a CSV file. You can add or remove columns and then copy the device collection details to an Excel file.

Note: When you select Export to CSV file, there is another option called Export Selected items. This option exports the selected devices from the collection. You have to select the devices first and then use this option.

Export SCCM Device Collection from Console
Export SCCM Device Collection from Console

When you select Export all items to a CSV file, you will be prompted to save this data to an Excel file (CSV file). Specify the file name and save it to a known location on your hard drive.

Export Device Collection to Excel
Export Device Collection to Excel

Now you can open the file with the Excel app on your computer and view all the devices and associated details that were exported from the SCCM device collection.

Export Device Collection to Excel
Export Device Collection to Excel

Interesting Read: Find SCCM Package Size from DP Console and SQL Query

Export Device Collection using Export-CMCollection PowerShell cmdlet

You can use the Export-CMCollection PowerShell command to export the SCCM device collection:

  • Launch the ConfigMgr console.
  • In the upper-left corner, there’s a blue rectangle. Select the white arrow in the blue rectangle, and choose Connect via Windows PowerShell.
  • To export the SCCM device collection run the PowerShell command:
Export-CMCollection -Name "Windows 11 Devices" -ExportFilePath "C:\w11.mof"

In the above example, the Windows 11 Devices is the name of the device collection. You must provide an export file path and specify where you want to save the .mof file.

This exported .mof file can be used to import the device collection back into SCCM console.

Export Device Collection using Export-CMCollection PowerShell cmdlet
Export Device Collection using Export-CMCollection PowerShell cmdlet

Use SCCM Reports to Export Devices from a Device Collection

If you have access to SCCM reports, you can run a report to find the resources in a specific collection. This SCCM report applies to both user collections and device collections.

Interesting Read: How to add Collection parameter in SCCM report

In the SCCM console, go to Monitoring\Overview\Reporting\Reports. From the list of all reports, look for the report named “All resources in a specific collection“. Right-click this report and select Run.

On the report window, click Values option and select a device collection for export and click View Report. Now you can view all the devices that belong to the device collection. Use the export options in the report to export the device collection to various file formats.

Use SCCM Reports to Export Devices from a Device Collection
Use SCCM Reports to Export Devices from a Device Collection


In this article, I have covered multiple methods to export SCCM device collections. These methods are super useful when you want to quickly export the device data from the Configuration Manager console. Do let me know which method you normally prefer to export a device collection in your daily job as an SCCM administrator. If you have any suggestions or feedback, please let me know in the comments section.

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Prajwal Desai

Prajwal Desai is a technology expert and 10 time Dual Microsoft MVP (Most Valuable Professional) with a strong focus on Microsoft Intune, SCCM, Windows 365, Enterprise Mobility, and Windows. He is a renowned author, speaker, & community leader, known for sharing his expertise & knowledge through his blog, YouTube, conferences, webinars etc.