This post lists all the WDSUTIL Command line options in Windows Server. WDSUTIL is a command-line utility used for managing your Windows Deployment Services server.
There are many ways to deploy operating systems to computers in an organization. One of the classic way that many IT departments deploy operating systems has been through the use of Windows Deployment Services.
The basic functionality of WDS (Windows Deployment Services) is to allow IT admins to deploy OS without an installation disc.
Basically, WDS redesigned version of remote installation services. Windows Deployment Services includes several modifications to RIS features.
WDS offers many advantages over RIS which can found in the following Microsoft article.
In addition, WDS also allows you to deploy the operating system through a network installation. That’s the most important feature of WDS.
One of the advantages of using the Windows deployment server is that WDS can work with Windows image (.wim) files.
Windows image files could be created through the use of the Windows Sysprep utility. WDSUTIL is a command-line utility to manage your Windows Deployment Services server.
The location of the wdsutil executable is windows\system32\wdsutil. Run the command prompt as administrator and run the below WDSUTIL commands to manage WDS.
WDSUTIL Command line options
The below table lists all the WDSUTIL command line options that you on Windows Server.

WDSUTIL Command | Description |
/add | Adds images and devices to the WDS server |
/remove | Removes images from the server |
/start | Starts WDS services |
/stop | Stops WDS services |
/new | Creates new capture images or discover images |
/get | Gets information from images, image groups, WDS servers, and WDS devices |
/set | Sets information in images, image groups, WDS servers, and WDS devices |
/update | Uses a known good resource to update a server resource |
/delete-autoadddevices | Deletes records from the Auto-Add database |
/reject-autoadddevices | Rejects Auto-Add devices |
/approve-autoadddevices | Approves Auto-Add devices |
/enable | Enables WDS services |
/disable | Disables WDS services |
/copy-image | Copies images from the image store |
/export-image | Exports to WIM files images contained within the image store |
/convert-ripimage | Converts Remote Installation Preparation (RIPrep) images to WIM images |
/initialize-server | Initializes the configuration of the WDS server |
/uninitialize-server | Undo any changes made during the initialization of the WDS server |
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