Installing System Center 2012 R2 Configuration Manager In this post we will see the steps for Installing System Center 2012 R2 Configuration Manager. So far in this deployment series of System Center 2012 R2 Configuration Manager we started with Configuration Manager 2012 R2 System requirements, Installing prerequisites for SCCM 2012 R2, Installing SQL Server for Configuration Manager 2012 R2, Installing WSUS for Configuration Manager 2012 R2, Configuring Firewall for SCCM 2012 R2. The next step is to install System Center 2012 R2 Configuration Manager and the evaluation copy is available here. The System Center 2012 R2 Configuration Manager and System Center 2012 R2 Endpoint Protection are provided as a single installation package.
Installing System Center 2012 R2 Configuration Manager
Once you have downloaded the configuration Manager 2012 R2 iso file, extract the iso file to a folder on the machine where you are going to install the SCCM. Run the file splash to launch the Setup screen. Click on Install to the begin the Installation.
Click on Next.
Click on Install a Configuration Manager Primary Site and click Next.
Enter the product key if you have purchased the copy of system center 2012 R2 configuration manager. Else choose Install the evaluation edition and click on Next.
Click I accept the license terms and click on Next.
Accept the license terms for Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Express, SQL 2012 Native Client and Silverlight 5 and click on Next.
Prerequisite Downloads – There are 2 options that we see here.
1) Download required files – Select this option to download the setup prerequisites from Microsoft and you can store them in a folder or shared path.
2) Use previously downloaded files – Select this option if you have downloaded the prerequisites. Browse to the folder where the prerequisites are stored and click on Next.
Click on Next.
Click on Next.
Specify a Site Code, Site name and check the box Install the Configuration Manager Console. Click on Next.
If you plan to join this primary site to CAS then choose Join the primary site to an existing hierarchy, you must provide the CAS server FQDN to join the hierarchy. If you plan to build hierarchy with more than one primary site, you must install CAS first. Else if you are installing primary site as a standalone site then choose the second option. Click Yes on the message box and click on Next.
Do not change anything here, click on Next.
Click on Next.
Click on Next.
Client Computer Communication Settings – Choose Configure the communication method on each site system role and click Next.
Check the box for Install a management point and Install a distribution point and click on Next.
Prerequisite Check – Here the Configuration Manager setup checks whether all prerequisites are installed correctly, if any of the prerequisite is not installed it would be displayed. If all the prerequisites are installed correctly then you will see the message “All prerequisites rules pass successfully“. Click on Begin Install.

The installation takes sometime to get completed. Once the installation is complete you can click on Close. You can view the setup log file with a tool called CMTrace. The tool is located in SCCM 2012 R2 source DVD under SMSSETUPTOOLS. Launch the CMTrace tool, open the log file ConfigMgrSetup.log located in C drive.
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