In this post we will see the steps to enable enhanced protection in Google Chrome browser. Google chrome 83 includes a new Enhanced Protection feature under Enhanced Safe Browsing. Turning on Enhanced Safe Browsing will substantially increase protection from dangerous websites and downloads.

While writing this post, the Chrome version 83 is the latest. If you have a newer version, you can still enable enhanced protection in Google Chrome using the same steps.

Google Chrome is a popular browser and most used browser on desktops, laptops and mobile phones. Over the past few years the threats on the web are increasing and becoming very sophisticated. They just don’t target a single domain rather phishing sites rotate domains very quickly to avoid being blocked.

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In addition we see a lot of malware campaigns directly targeting at-risk users. In order of combat these threats, Google Chrome team introduced Enhanced Safe Browsing protection feature. This is a new option for users who require or want a more advanced level of security while browsing the web.

So what exactly happens when you turn on or enable Enhanced Protection feature ?. Well, turning on Enhanced Safe Browsing will substantially increase protection from dangerous websites and downloads.

Chrome will check uncommon URLs in real time to detect whether the site you browse is a phishing site or safe site. Chrome will also send a small sample of pages and suspicious downloads to help discover new threats against you and other Chrome users.

According to Google Security Blog, by sharing real-time data with Google Safe Browsing, Chrome can proactively protect you against dangerous sites.

Enable Enhanced Protection in Google Chrome

Use the following steps to enable Enhanced Protection in Google Chrome.

  • On your computer, launch Google Chrome browser.
  • Click Settings > Privacy and Security settings > Security > Safe Browsing.
  • Under Safe browsing enable the Enhanced Protection.

In Google Chrome, under Safe Browsing, you will find three options.

  • Enhanced protection – Enable this options for faster, proactive protection against dangerous websites, downloads, and extensions. Warns you about password breaches.
  • Standard protection – Offers standard protection against websites, downloads, and extensions that are known to be dangerous.
  • No protection (not recommended) – Does not protect you against dangerous websites, downloads, and extensions. You’ll still get Safe Browsing protection, where available, in other Google services, like Gmail and Search.

Still Need Help?

If you need further assistance on the above article or want to discuss other technical issues, check out some of these options.

Prajwal Desai

Prajwal Desai is a technology expert and 10 time Dual Microsoft MVP (Most Valuable Professional) with a strong focus on Microsoft Intune, SCCM, Windows 365, Enterprise Mobility, and Windows. He is a renowned author, speaker, & community leader, known for sharing his expertise & knowledge through his blog, YouTube, conferences, webinars etc.