In this post we will look at the steps to deploy dot net Framework 3.5 (.NET Framework 3.5) using ConfigMgr. We will deploy .NET Framework 3.5 using ConfigMgr task sequence.

In one of my previous post, I covered on how to enable .NET framework 3.5 using SCCM. However, that method used a PowerShell script to install Dot Net Framework 3.5 on Windows 10 machines.

The method that I am going to use to deploy Dot Net Framework 3.5 involves creating a package and adding it to the SCCM task sequence. The advantage of using this method is you can inject or enable the Dot Net Framework 3.5 during operating system deployment.

There are several ways to deploy the .NET framework 3.5. No matter what method you choose to deploy, the final goal is to ensure the .Net Framework 3.5 is installed on Windows 10 computers.

You can also use DISM or group policy or PowerShell to enable .NET framework 3.5 feature on Windows 10 computers. We will use a basic way to deploy the dot net framework 3.5 using SCCM task sequence.

You might wonder why are we even deploying such an old .Net Framework 3.5 when there is already .NET 4.8 framework available for download. The answer is some applications still require .Net Framework 3.5 as prerequisite.

Download Dot Net Framework 3.5

The Dot Net Framework 3.5 installation file is included with the Windows 10 ISO (media). You don’t need to download it from elsewhere because there is a chance that you may download an outdated version.

Let me show you the exact location of Dot Net Framework 3.5 files. First mount the Windows 10 ISO file which in my case is Windows 10 21H1. Go to Sources > SXS folder and there you will find file. The size of this file is approx. 70 MB and that’s the file which enables Dot Net Framework 3.5 feature.

Dot Net Framework 3.5 File Location
Dot Net Framework 3.5 File Location

So now that you are aware of the Dot Net Framework 3.5 installation file, copy the file to a separate folder on SCCM server. Also create a new text file and paste the below code in to the file and save this file as installdotnet35.bat.

DISM.exe /Image:%1\ /Enable-Feature /FeatureName:NetFx3 /All /LimitAccess /Source:"%~dp0sxs"

The above command uses DISM to enable or install .Net Framework 3.5 feature on Windows 10 computers.

Dot Net Framework 3.5 Install Command
Dot Net Framework 3.5 Install Command

Create .Net Framework 3.5 Package in SCCM

In this step we will create a new package for .Net Framework 3.5 in SCCM. In the ConfigMgr console, navigate to Software Library\Overview\Application Management\Packages. Right click Packages and click Create Package.

Create .Net Framework 3.5 Package in SCCM
Create .Net Framework 3.5 Package in SCCM

On the first screen, specify the name of the package for ex. Dot Net Framework 3.5 Package or something similar. Select This package contains source files and specify the folder path that contains the Dot Net Framework 3.5 files. Click Next.

Create .Net Framework 3.5 Package in SCCM
Create .Net Framework 3.5 Package in SCCM

On the Program type window, select Do not create a program. Click Next.

Create .Net Framework 3.5 Package in SCCM
Create .Net Framework 3.5 Package in SCCM

Click Next on remaining pages and on Completion window, click Close.

Create .Net Framework 3.5 Package in SCCM
Create .Net Framework 3.5 Package in SCCM

In the next step, distribute the Dot Net Framework 3.5 package to all your distribution points.

Deploy Dot Net Framework 3.5 using ConfigMgr Task Sequence

In this step we will edit our ConfigMgr task sequence and include Dot Net Framework 3.5 package and this gets deployed to Windows 10 computers.

Edit your ConfigMgr task sequence and just before Setup Windows and Configuration Manager step, add a new Command Line step. Specify the name as Enable .NET framework 3.5 and enter the command as installdotnet3.5.bat %osdisk%. You must click Browse and select the Dot Net Framework 3.5 package.

Deploy Dot Net Framework 3.5 using ConfigMgr Task Sequence
Deploy Dot Net Framework 3.5 using ConfigMgr Task Sequence

Next, you must set a variable on Windows partitions within all Partition Disk tasks to osdisk. In the task sequence editor, select Partition Disk 0 – UEFI. Right click Windows (Primary) and click Properties.

Deploy Dot Net Framework 3.5 using ConfigMgr Task Sequence
Deploy Dot Net Framework 3.5 using ConfigMgr Task Sequence

In the Windows partition properties window, under Advanced Options, enter the variable as osdisk. Click OK.

Deploy Dot Net Framework 3.5 using ConfigMgr Task Sequence
Deploy Dot Net Framework 3.5 using ConfigMgr Task Sequence

Repeat the same steps for Partition Disk 0 – BIOS and save the task sequence. If you haven’t deployed the task sequence, deploy it to your device collection.

The .NET framework 3.5 feature should be enabled after the task sequence completes its execution. In case you encounter any errors, refer .NET Framework 3.5 installation errors: 0x800F0906, 0x800F081F, 0x800F0907, 0x800F0922.

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Install and Update Third Party Applications with Patch My PC

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Prajwal Desai

Prajwal Desai is a technology expert and 10 time Dual Microsoft MVP (Most Valuable Professional) with a strong focus on Microsoft Intune, SCCM, Windows 365, Enterprise Mobility, and Windows. He is a renowned author, speaker, & community leader, known for sharing his expertise & knowledge through his blog, YouTube, conferences, webinars etc.