Create User Mailbox in Exchange Server 2013
Create User Mailbox in Exchange Server 2013 In this post we will see the steps to create user mailbox in Exchange Server 2013. We know that mailboxes are the most common recipient type used by information workers in an Exchange organization. Each mailbox is associated with an Active Directory user account. The user can use the mailbox to send and receive messages, and to store messages, appointments, tasks, notes, and documents. There are 2 ways to create a user mailbox, use the EAC or the Shell. In this post we will see both the ways to create a user mailbox. To create a new mailbox you must be assigned the “Role Management” management role to run the Get-ManagementRoleAssignment cmdlet.
Using EAC to create user mailbox
Launch the EAC. In the EAC, navigate to Recipients > Mailboxes. Click New and click on User mailbox.
There are 2 options that you see.
a) Existing User – Select this option to mail-enable and create a mailbox for an existing user.
b) New User – Select this option to create a new user account in Active Directory and create a mailbox for this user.
As we are creating the user mailbox for new user, we will select New user and fill up all required user account information. When you’re finished, click Save to create the mailbox.
We see that the mailbox for the user has been created.
Using Shell to create user mailbox
You can also use the shell to create user mailbox. If we had to create the mailbox for the same user that we did in the above steps, then use the below command to do it.
New-Mailbox -Name "Jason Tim" -FirstName Jason -LastName Tim -DisplayName "Jason Tim" -UserPrincipalName Jason.Tim@Prajwal.Local -Password (ConvertTo-SecureString -String 'Pa$$word1' -AsPlainText -Force)
To verify that you’ve successfully created a mailbox for an existing user, use the below command.
Get-Mailbox <Name> | FL Name,RecipientTypeDetails,PrimarySmtpAddress
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