In this post we will see the steps on how to add copy to or move to on windows 7 right click menu. While there are lot of registry hacks available for Windows, one of them allows you to add a Copy To or Move To on Windows 7 right click menu.
This option can be very useful when you want to move or copy a file but don’t have the other folder open already. Before you make any changes to the registry it is recommended to take a backup of registry.
We will now see the steps to add copy to or move to on Windows 7 right click menu manually. If you want to merge or import registry entries that would add Copy To or Move To on Windows 7 Right Click Menu, then download the .zip file by clicking here, unzip it and double-click on the registry files.
Add Copy To Folder in Windows 7
To open the Registry Editor on your Windows 7 computer, hold the Windows Key + press R to open the run. Type regedit to open the Registry Editor. In the Registry Editor navigate to the following key: HKEY_CLASSES_ROOTAllFilesystemObjectsshellexContextMenuHandlers.
Right click the ContextMenuHandlers and click New and click Key.
The value of the key should be {C2FBB630-2971-11D1-A18C-00C04FD75D13}.
When we right click any folder we now see Copy To Folder option in the right click menu.
Add Move To Folder in Windows 7
In the Registry Editor navigate to the following key: HKEY_CLASSES_ROOTAllFilesystemObjectsshellexContextMenuHandlers. Right click the ContextMenuHandlers and click New and click Key. The value of the key should be {C2FBB631-2971-11D1-A18C-00C04FD75D13}.
When we right click any folder we now see both Copy To Folder and Move To Folder option in the right click menu.
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