This tutorial shows how to update PowerShell help content for SCCM. By updating the help topics of SCCM PowerShell modules, you can get information about the latest modules introduced for ConfigMgr.
Starting in SCCM version 2010 or later, you can use the Update-Help or Update-Help -Module ConfigurationManager cmdlet to download the latest information for the Configuration Manager PowerShell modules.
The Update-Help system in PowerShell is intended to ensure that you always have the most recent help topics on your local computer, where you may read them from the command line. It makes it simple to acquire, install, and update help files when newer versions become available.
When you connect Configuration Manager with PowerShell, you can run cmdlets and scripts. The Configuration Manager PowerShell cmdlet library supports PowerShell 7 or later. Starting in version 2103, the Configuration Manager PowerShell module requires Microsoft .NET version 4.7.2 or later.
Steps to Update PowerShell Help Content for SCCM
Follow the below steps to update SCCM PowerShell Help content:
Step 1: Launch the Configuration Manager console as an administrator. In the upper-left corner, there’s a blue rectangle. Select the white arrow in the blue rectangle, and choose Connect via Windows PowerShell.

Step 2: After Windows PowerShell loads, you’ll see a prompt that contains your site code. Now run the below PS command to update the help content for Configuration Manager.
Update-Help -Module ConfigurationManager

Step 3: The Update-Help cmdlet downloads the newest help files for SCCM PowerShell modules and installs them on your computer. Note that the computer on which you run this cmdlet needs internet access, specifically
After you update the Configuration Manager cmdlet help, you can get help about the cmdlets by using the Get-Help cmdlet. You don’t have to restart your server after updating the help content for SCCM PS modules.

Error: Failed to update SCCM PowerShell Help content: Access is denied
When you attempt to update the SCCM PowerShell Help content, you may encounter the error Failed to update Help for the module(s)—Access is denied. This error occurs when you are not running the cmdlet from an elevated PowerShell session. To resolve this, launch the SCCM console as an administrator and try running Update-Help -Module ConfigurationManager again.

update-help : Failed to update Help for the module(s) - Access is denied. The command could not update Help topics for the Windows PowerShell core
modules, or for any modules in the $pshome\Modules directory. To update these Help topics, start Windows PowerShell by using the "Run as Administrator" command, and try running Update-Help again.

If you are interested in learning about the Configuration Manager cmdlets; refer to the following article by Microsoft for getting started on Configuration Manager cmdlet reference.
Still Need Help?
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