SCCM Task Sequence Error 0x80004005 while retrieving policy
This post provides solution to SCCM task sequence error 0x80004005 while retrieving policy. Before you read further, I want to tell you that error 0x80004005 is a generic error. Which means there could be more than one solution for this error. Therefore you must examine the smsts.log file to find out the actual issue. In my case during the OSD the task sequence failed at the very initial step. This issue was observed on one of the VM’s. So here is the issue and it’s description.
Task Sequence fails with the following error message. An error occurred while retrieving policy for this computer (0x80004005). For more information, please contact your system administrator or helpdesk operator.
The smsts.log file reveals the following.
unknown host (gethostbyname failed).
sending with winhttp failed; 80072ee7.
Failed to get client identity (80072ee7).
Failed to request for client TSPxe.
SyncTimeWithMP() failed. 80072ee7.
Failed to get time information from MP: http://MPserverFQDN.
An error occurred while retrieving policy for this computer (0x80004005).
For more information, contact your system administrator or helpdesk operator.
RegOpenKeyExW is unsuccessful for Software\Microsoft\SMS\Task Sequence.
GetTsRegValue() is unsuccessful. 0x80070002.
TS environment not initialized
SCCM Task Sequence Error 0x80004005 while retrieving policy
Looking at the log file details, you could make out that there is a time sync issue. The error “SyncTimeWithMP() failed 80072ee7” should give you clear info that there is some issue with time synchronization. To resolve this issue one must check the clock in the BIOS of the affected machine. Ensure that the time in BIOS matches the time in the forest where the SCCM server is located. In other words ensure the time settings are same with both SCCM and PXE client. If not you will end up seeing the time sync errors. If you correct this, I bet the deployment should continue successfully in next try.
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