In this post, I will show you how to list all Azure regions using PowerShell. You can also use Azure Cloud Shell to get a list of all Azure regions along with physical location and geography group details.
Each Azure geography contains one or more regions and meets specific data residency and compliance requirements. From the Azure Portal, it is difficult to list all the Azure Regions and this is where PowerShell is useful.
Most of the configuration in Azure can be done with Azure Portal. However, in some situations using PowerShell commands makes your tasks easier. Thankfully, the PowerShell automation is supported through the Azure Portal.
To manage Azure using PowerShell you must first install Azure PowerShell module. There are different ways to install Azure PowerShell module. You could choose any of these methods listed below:
- Azure PowerShell from WebPI. Download Azure PowerShell and start the install.
- Using PowerShell Gallery
- Download MSI installer from GitHub
Get-AzLocation PowerShell Cmdlet
The Get-AzLocation cmdlet gets all locations and the supported resource providers for each location. When you run the Get-AzLocation command, you get the output that includes the following information.
- Providers
- Location
- DisplayName
- Type
- Longitude
- Latitude
- PhysicalLocation
- RegionType
- RegionCategory
- GeographyGroup
- PairedRegion
The Get-AzLocation cmdlet supports the following parameters:
- -Pre
- -ExtendedLocation
- -DefaultProfile
- -ApiVersion
List all Azure Regions using PowerShell
Let’s see the steps to list all Azure regions using PowerShell. Assuming that you have installed the Azure module for PowerShell, launch the PowerShell on your computer and run the below command.
After you enter the above command, Microsoft Azure sign-in window appears which requires you to enter the credentials to log in to Azure.
You can also use Connect-AzAccount cmdlet which Connects to Azure with an authenticated account for use with cmdlets from the Az PowerShell modules.
Enter the email and password to connect to Azure and log in to Azure account.

Run the following to command in the PowerShell window to get all the Azure regions.
Get-AzLocation | select displayname,location

List all Azure Regions using Cloud Shell
By connecting to Azure Cloud Shell, you can run a simple PowerShell command to list all Azure regions. From the Azure portal, connect to Cloud Shell.

Wait while the connection to cloud shell succeeds.
Requesting a Cloud Shell.Succeeded. Connecting terminal... MOTD: Customize your experience: save your profile to $HOME/.config/PowerShell VERBOSE: Authenticating to Azure ... VERBOSE: Building your Azure drive ...

Run the following to command in Cloud Shell to get all the Azure regions.
Get-AzLocation | select displayname,location

The command output now shows the DisplayName and Location of all the Azure regions.

Get all Azure Services in a Specific Region
The below command is useful when you want to view all the services in a particular region.
$providers = Get-AzLocation | Where-Object {$_.Location -eq "eastus2"} | select Providers $providers.Providers

Microsoft.DevTestLab Microsoft.AAD Microsoft.OperationalInsights Microsoft.Security Microsoft.Network Microsoft.Compute Microsoft.Storage Microsoft.ClassicCompute Microsoft.OperationsManagement Microsoft.ManagedIdentity microsoft.aadiam Microsoft.AnalysisServices Microsoft.ApiManagement Microsoft.App Microsoft.AppConfiguration Microsoft.AppPlatform Microsoft.Attestation Microsoft.Automanage Microsoft.Automation Microsoft.AVS Microsoft.AzureArcData Microsoft.AzureCIS Microsoft.AzureData Microsoft.AzureSphere Microsoft.AzureSphereGen2 Microsoft.AzureStackHCI Microsoft.BackupSolutions Microsoft.BareMetalInfrastructure Microsoft.Batch Microsoft.Cache Microsoft.Cdn Microsoft.Chaos Microsoft.ClassicInfrastructureMigrate Microsoft.ClassicNetwork Microsoft.ClassicStorage Microsoft.CloudTest Microsoft.CognitiveServices Microsoft.Confluent Microsoft.ContainerInstance Microsoft.ContainerRegistry Microsoft.ContainerService Microsoft.D365CustomerInsights Microsoft.Dashboard Microsoft.Databricks Microsoft.DataCollaboration Microsoft.DataFactory Microsoft.DataLakeAnalytics Microsoft.DataLakeStore Microsoft.DataMigration Microsoft.DataProtection Microsoft.DataShare Microsoft.DBforMariaDB Microsoft.DBforMySQL Microsoft.DBforPostgreSQL Microsoft.DelegatedNetwork Microsoft.DeploymentManager Microsoft.DesktopVirtualization Microsoft.Devices Microsoft.DeviceUpdate Microsoft.DevOps Microsoft.DigitalTwins Microsoft.DocumentDB Microsoft.Elastic Microsoft.EventGrid Microsoft.EventHub Microsoft.ExtendedLocation Microsoft.Fidalgo Microsoft.HanaOnAzure Microsoft.HardwareSecurityModules Microsoft.HDInsight Microsoft.HealthBot Microsoft.HealthcareApis Microsoft.HybridCompute Microsoft.HybridConnectivity Microsoft.ImportExport microsoft.insights Microsoft.IoTCentral Microsoft.IoTSecurity Microsoft.KeyVault Microsoft.Kubernetes Microsoft.KubernetesConfiguration Microsoft.Kusto Microsoft.LabServices Microsoft.LoadTestService Microsoft.Logic Microsoft.MachineLearning Microsoft.MachineLearningServices Microsoft.Maintenance Microsoft.Maps Microsoft.Media Microsoft.Migrate Microsoft.MixedReality Microsoft.Monitor Microsoft.NetApp Microsoft.NetworkFunction Microsoft.NotificationHubs Microsoft.OpenLogisticsPlatform Microsoft.Peering Microsoft.PlayFab Microsoft.Portal Microsoft.PowerBI Microsoft.PowerBIDedicated Microsoft.Purview Microsoft.RecoveryServices Microsoft.RedHatOpenShift Microsoft.Relay Microsoft.Resources Microsoft.Search Microsoft.SecurityDetonation Microsoft.SerialConsole Microsoft.ServiceBus Microsoft.ServiceFabric Microsoft.ServiceFabricMesh Microsoft.ServiceLinker Microsoft.ServicesHub Microsoft.SignalRService Microsoft.Singularity Microsoft.Solutions Microsoft.Sql Microsoft.SqlVirtualMachine Microsoft.StorageCache Microsoft.StoragePool Microsoft.StorageSync Microsoft.StreamAnalytics Microsoft.Synapse Microsoft.TimeSeriesInsights Microsoft.VideoIndexer Microsoft.VirtualMachineImages microsoft.visualstudio Microsoft.Web Microsoft.Workloads NGINX.NGINXPLUS Wandisco.Fusion
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