Installing SCOM 2012 SP1

Installing SCOM 2012 SP1 – In this post we will see the step by step approach of installing SCOM 2012 SP1. So what is SCOM ? Operations Manager is a component of Microsoft System Center 2012, a software that helps you monitor services, devices, and operations for many computers from a single console.

In any company IT departments are responsible for ensuring the performance and availability of those critical services and applications. That means that IT departments need to know when there is a problem, identify where the problem is, and figure out what is causing the problem, ideally before the users of the applications encounter the problems. Using Operations Manager in the environment makes it easier to monitor multiple computers, devices, services, and applications.

The above information specified is too little to understand about SCOM 2012 SP1, so I suggest you to go through the Technet once so that you will have a good understanding about the SCOM 2012 SP1. Here are the few links that should help you.

Install and Update Third Party Applications with Patch My PC
Install and Update Third Party Applications with Patch My PC

What’s New In SCOM 2012 SP1

System Requirements For SCOM 2012 SP1

Operations Manager Infrastructure

It is very essential to know about the operations Manager and its functions. Before we begin installing SCOM 2012 SP1, let us know few terminologies with respect to SCOM.

1) Management  Group – A management group is a basic unit of functionality, a management group consists of a management server, the operational database, and the reporting data warehouse database.

2) Management Server – The role of the management server is to administer the management group configuration, administer and communicate with agents, and communicate with the databases in the management group.

3) Operational Database – This a SQL server database that holds all the configuration data for the management group and stores all monitoring data that is collected and processed for the management group.

4) SCOM Agent – A SCOM agent is a service that is installed on a computer. The agent collects data, compares sampled data to predefined values, creates alerts, and runs responses. Every agent reports to a management server in the management group. You cannot monitor a computer if the SCOM agent is not installed.

5) Management Packs – Management packs define the information that the agent collects and returns to the management server for a specific application or technology.

Installing Operations Manager Prerequisites

Before we start installing SCOM 2012 SP1, lets know the list of prerequisites that we need. Here are the list of prerequisites. Click on links below to download the prerequisite.

Microsoft .NET Framework 4

Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2

Download SQL Server 2008 R2 Service Pack 2

Download Microsoft Report Viewer

In this post we will be installing SCOM 2012 SP1 on a member server named SCOM.PRAJWAL.LOCAL and on the same server SQL Server will be installed. The server is installed with Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1 Enterprise edition OS and has a memory of 4GB allocated to this virtual machine.

We will be using a separate user account named scomadmin to manage our SCOM 2012 server, this account is a member of domain admins group. Once you have downloaded the prerequisites install the prerequisites in the order shown below in the screenshots.

Click on Server Manager, right click on Features and click on Add Features. On the selection page, select .NET Framework 3.5.1 Features and click on Next.

Installing SCOM 2012 SP1 Snap1

Install the following IIS Role Services and click on Next.

Static Content

Default Document

Directory Browsing

HTTP Errors

HTTP Logging

Request Monitor

Request Filtering

Static Content Compression

Web Server (IIS) Support

IIS Management Console

IIS 6 Metabase Compatibility

Windows Authentication

ASP.NET (both the 2.0 and 4.0 versions of ASP.NET are required.)

ISAPI Extensions and ISAPI Filters

Installing SCOM 2012 SP1 Snap2

Once the role services are installed successfully, click on Close.

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The next prerequisite that must be installed in .NET Framework 4. Download the installer and install the framework. Accept the license terms and click on Install.

Installing SCOM 2012 SP1 Snap4

Click on Finish once the installation is complete.

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Note – After installing .NET Framework 4.0, install the report viewer 2010 that is one the prerequisite before installing SCOM 2012 SP1. The screenshots are not covered as its a two step installation.

 Installing SQL Server

SCOM 2012 SP1 requires two databases, one called as operational database which contains all configuration data for the management group and stores all monitoring data that is collected and processed for the management group and other called as data warehouse database which stores monitoring and alerting data for historical purposes. Data that is written to the Operations Manager database is also written to the data warehouse database. The only difference to note here is operational database retains short-term data (by default 7 days) and data warehouse database retains long-term data.

Choosing you SQL Server Edition :- Microsoft SQL server 2008 or previous editions are not supported. The supported SQL editions for installing SCOM 2012 SP1 are SQL 2008 R2 SP1, SQL Server 2008 R2 SP2, SQL Server 2012, SQL Server 2012 SP1. Both Enterprise and Standard Editions of SQL server are supported by SCOM 2012 SP1. In this post we will be installing SQL Server 2008 R2 Enterprise Edition first and then install SQL server 2008 R2 Service Pack 2.

Few things to consider before you install SQL Server.

1) Operations Manager does not support hosting its databases or SQL Server Reporting Services on a 32-bit edition of SQL Server.

2) Using a different version of SQL Server for different Operations Manager features is not supported. The same version should be used for all features.

3) SQL Server collation settings for all databases must be one of the following: SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS, French_CI_AS, Cyrillic_General_CI_AS, Chinese_PRC_CI_AS, Japanese_CI_AS, Traditional_Spanish_CI_AS, or Latin1_General_CI_AS. No other collation settings are supported.

4) Clustering of management servers is not supported in System Center 2012 Service Pack 1 (SP1), Operations Manager.

5) The SQL Server Agent service must be started, and the startup type must be set to automatic. We will be doing this before we start installing SCOM 2012 SP1.

Mount the SQL Server 2008 R2 DVD and click on Installation and click on New installation or add features to an existing installation.

Installing SCOM 2012 SP1 Snap6

Click on SQL Server Feature Installation and click on Next.

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Click on Select All and click on Next.

Installing SCOM 2012 SP1 Snap8

Instance Configuration – Click on Default Instance and click on Next.

Note – If you are creating a Named Instance, then SQL server uses dynamic ports, so you must also make the following changes. Launch the SQL Server Configuration Manager, expand SQL Server Network Configuration. Click on Protocols for Instance (Instance is your Named Instance). On the right side pane, right click on theTCP/IP and click on Properties. Click on IP Addresses tab and scroll down to the bottom and under the IPALL, set TCP Portvalue to 1433. Click on Apply and after this change you must restart SQL Server Service.

Installing SCOM 2012 SP1 Snap9

On the Server Configuration page, click on Use same account for all SQL server service. On the new dialog box that opens choose the user account and click on OK. In this post we will be using scomadmin user account to run the SQL services. Click on Next.

Installing SCOM 2012 SP1 Snap10

Click on Install the native mode default configuration and click on Next.

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The setup takes few minutes to complete, once the SQL server is installed successfully, click on Close.

Installing SCOM 2012 SP1 Snap12

Next, we will install SQL server 2008 R2 service pack 2, the installation is simple, launch the setup file, accept the license terms and click on Next.

Installing SCOM 2012 SP1 Snap13

The default Instance is selected automatically, so click on Next.

Installing SCOM 2012 SP1 Snap14

We have installed the SQL server 2008 R2 service pack 2 successfully. Click on Close.

Installing SCOM 2012 SP1 Snap15

SCOM web console requires ISAPI and CGI Restrictions in IIS to be enabled for ASP.NET 4.0. Launch the Server Manager, click on Web Server (IIS), click on Internet Information Services. Now right click on ISAPI and CGI Restrictions and click on Open Feature.

Installing SCOM 2012 SP1 Snap16

Right click on ASP.NET v4.0.3 and click on Allow. Under the Restriction column, you should see the ASP.NET v4.0.3 as allowed.

Installing SCOM 2012 SP1 Snap17

Mount the Operations Manager 2012 SP1 DVD and on the start up screen click on Install.

Installing SCOM 2012 SP1 Snap18

We will install all the features on this server, so select Management Point, Operations Console, Web Console, Reporting Server. Click on Next.

Installing SCOM 2012 SP1 Snap19

We will leave the installation location to default and click on Next.

Installing SCOM 2012 SP1 Snap20

All the prerequisites have passed, so we can proceed with installation. Click on Next.

Installing SCOM 2012 SP1 Snap21

We will create a new management group and this server will be a part of this new management group. Provide a name to the management group and click on Next.

Installing SCOM 2012 SP1 Snap22

Operational Database – If you had created a named instance during the SQL server setup then provide the server nameinstance to connect to the instance. Since we have setup the SQL server with default instance, we have to just provide the server name, and database would be created by SCOM automatically. The name of the database created here is OperationsManager with a DB size of 1000MB. Click on Next.

Installing SCOM 2012 SP1 Snap23

Data Warehouse Database – f you had created a named instance during the SQL server setup then provide the server nameinstance to connect to the instance. Since we have setup the SQL server with default instance, we have to just provide the server name, and database would be created by SCOM automatically. The name of the database created here is OperationsManagerDW with a DB size of 1000MB. Click on Next.

Installing SCOM 2012 SP1 Snap24

Select the SQL server instance and click on Next.

Note – The SQL Server Agent service must be started, and the startup type must be set to automatic.

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Select Default Website for Web Console and click on Next.

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Select Mixed Authentication for authentication to be used with Web console, click on Next.

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Microsoft recommends to use a separate account to run each services, in this post we will use the same account (PRAJWALscomadmin) to run all the services. Click on Next.

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On the Installation Summary Page, click on Install.

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Alright, we see that the Operations Manager 2012 SP1 setup is complete. Click on Close. We have installed the SCOM 2012 SP1, the next step is to configure it and install scom agents on the computers. We shall see this in the coming posts.

Installing SCOM 2012 SP1 Snap30

Still Need Help?

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Prajwal Desai

Prajwal Desai is a technology expert and 10 time Dual Microsoft MVP (Most Valuable Professional) with a strong focus on Microsoft Intune, SCCM, Windows 365, Enterprise Mobility, and Windows. He is a renowned author, speaker, & community leader, known for sharing his expertise & knowledge through his blog, YouTube, conferences, webinars etc.