This article explains how to download and install the Brave browser on MacOS. Apart from the built-in Safari browser on Mac, users can download the brave browser if that is their preferred browser.

Brave browser is a popular and secure web browser for your Mac. It is open-source software that is available for a variety of operating systems including Windows, Linux, Android, and, of course, macOS.

The main reason Mac users prefer the Brave browser is that it blocks all advertisements and cross-site trackers, making browsing safe and ad-free. Moreover, you get to install your favorite add-ons from Chrome web store. Most users find the obtrusive popups that appear when visiting a website annoying, and Brave effectively blocks them.

If you’ve recently purchased a new MacBook and want to install the brave browser, this article will walk you through the process. Make sure your Mac has access to internet to download the latest version of Brave browser.

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Download Brave Browser for MacOS

Brave offers installers for Enterprise and home users who wish to install the browser on their devices. To download the latest version of brave browser, visit the Brave download page. You can use Safari browser to browse to the download page.

Here is a good thing: The Brave website detects the operating system that you are using and recommends the appropriate installer. In the screenshot below, we see the Brave website shows the Download Brave for macOS button as we are browsing on Mac. Click on the download button to get the browser file.

Download Brave Browser for MacOS
Download Brave Browser for MacOS

The browser downloads the latest version of Brave browser .pkg file. We will run this setup file to install the browser.

Download Brave Browser for MacOS
Download Brave Browser for MacOS

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Steps to install the Brave Browser on MacOS

We will now go through the steps of installing the latest version of Brave browser on MacOS. Run the Brave Browser .pkg setup file to launch the installation. On the welcome screen, click Continue.

Install the Brave Browser on MacOS
Install the Brave Browser on MacOS

Select the hard disk on which you want to install the brave browser. Brave browser takes approx. 540 MB of disk space for installation. Click Install.

Install the Brave Browser on MacOS
Install the Brave Browser on MacOS

Mac prompts to enter your current account password to install the brave browser. You can either use your Touch ID or enter a password to continue installation.

Install the Brave Browser on MacOS
Install the Brave Browser on MacOS

The brave browser is installed on your Mac. Close the installation wizard. You don’t have to restart your Mac after the brave browser is installed.

Install the Brave Browser on MacOS
Install the Brave Browser on MacOS

Post Installation

After you install the brave browser on Mac, you’ll be asked if you want to keep the installer or move it to bin. You may choose to keep the installer, but it’s of no use because the brave browser gets updated often. You can select the option Move to Bin and, if required, download the latest version of browser later.

Move Brave Installer to Bin
Move Brave Installer to Bin

Launch Brave Browser on Mac

To launch the brave browser on Mac, bring up the Launchpad and search for Brave browser. Alternatively, you can find the Brave browser using the Finder utility on macOS.

You can start browsing the sites using the Brave browser now and install your favorite add-ons from Chrome store. The brave browser will be automatically updated once the updates are released.

So this is how you successfully install the Brave Browser on macOS. If you need any clarification, please feel to add them in the comments section.

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Launch Brave Browser on Mac
Launch Brave Browser on Mac

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Prajwal Desai

Prajwal Desai is a technology expert and 10 time Dual Microsoft MVP (Most Valuable Professional) with a strong focus on Microsoft Intune, SCCM, Windows 365, Enterprise Mobility, and Windows. He is a renowned author, speaker, & community leader, known for sharing his expertise & knowledge through his blog, YouTube, conferences, webinars etc.