This post covers the steps to uninstall SCCM data warehouse service point role. In one of my recent post, I published an in-depth guide on data warehouse service point for Configuration Manager. In that post, I covered the steps to install SCCM data warehouse service point. My next post was on workaround for the data warehouse reports error.

The purpose of data warehouse service point is to store and report on long-term historical data for your Configuration Manager deployment. When you install data warehouse service point, it synchronizes data from SCCM site database to the data warehouse database.
Uninstall SCCM Data Warehouse Service Point Role
In case you want to uninstall SCCM Data warehouse service point role, you can do it easily. To uninstall SCCM data warehouse service point role, launch SCCM console.
Navigate to Administration > Overview > Site Configuration > Servers and Site System Roles. Now select the server that has Data Warehouse service point role installed.
Right click server and click Remove Role.
Are you sure you want to remove Data Warehouse service point role from server ?. Click Yes.
The data warehouse service point role is now removed. Open DWSSMSI.log file and you should find the below line.
Windows Installer removed the product Data Warehouse Service Point. Product Version: 5.00.8740.1000. Product Language: 1033. Manufacturer: Microsoft Corporation. Removal success or error status: 0.
<01/11/19 15:03:59> DWSS Setup Started.... <01/11/19 15:03:59> Parameters: C:\Program Files\Microsoft Configuration Manager\bin\x64\rolesetup.exe /deinstall /siteserver:CORPSCCM DWSS 0 <01/11/19 15:03:59> Deinstalling the DWSS <01/11/19 15:03:59> Enabling MSI logging. DWSS.msi will log to C:\Program Files\Microsoft Configuration Manager\logs\DWSSMSI.log <01/11/19 15:03:59> Deinstalling DWSS, with product code {E8D9B60D-5DD2-4F32-BB45-03B5E1431BE1} <01/11/19 15:04:01> DWSS deinstall exited with return code: 0 <01/11/19 15:04:01> Deinstallation was successful. <01/11/19 15:04:01> Removing DWSS Registry. <01/11/19 15:04:01> Removing DWSS Registry. <01/11/19 15:04:01> Deinstallation was successful. <01/11/19 15:04:01> ~RoleSetup().
The data warehouse service point role has been removed. We still have the data warehouse database on SQL server. Hence you can go ahead and delete that database.
To delete the data warehouse database, login to Microsoft SQL server management studio. Select the data warehouse DB and right click and then click Delete.
On the delete object box, click OK.
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