In this post we will see how to deploy GIMP software using SCCM. GIMP is GNU Image Manipulation Program (GIMP). GIMP is a cross-platform image editor available for GNU/Linux, OSÂ X, Windows and more operating systems. It is free software, you can change its source code and distribute your changes. Whether you are a graphic designer, photographer, illustrator, or scientist, GIMP provides you with sophisticated tools to get your job done. GIMP enhances your productivity by providing lot of customization options and 3rd party plugins. When you download GIMP tool, it’s downloaded as an executable file. You can convert it into msi file using some tools but in this post we will use the GIMP executable file and deploy the GIMP software using Configuration Manager.
How to deploy GIMP software using SCCM
Download GIMP software from here. Once you have downloaded the GIMP software, you can copy it to a folder on the ConfigMgr server.
Launch the Configuration Manager console, click Software Library, under Application Management right click Applications and click Create Application. Choose Manually specify the application information and click Next.
Specify some information about the application such as Name, Publisher etc. Click Next.
You can specify more information about the GIMP application here, the information specified here will be seen by user in the Application Catalog. Click Next.
We will configure the Deployment Type for GIMP software. Click on Add. In the General page, choose Type as Script Installer click Manually specify the deployment type information. Click Next.
Specify some information about this deployment type and click Next.
For the Content Location, provide the path where the GIMP setup file is present. In my case I have copied the setup file to a folder named GIMP on SCCM server. The next step is to specify install and uninstall command.
Specify the Installation Program as “gimp-2.8.18-setup.exe” /VERYSILENT /NORESTART
Specify the Uninstall Program as “C:Program FilesGIMP-2.0setupunins000.exe” /silent /norestart /SUPPRESSMSGBOXES
Click Next.
Detection Method – Detection methods allow the administrator to check if application is already installed. It can also prevent an install of an application if it conflicts with another application that is already installed. In this step you configure the rules to detect whether the application already exists on the client machine. Click Configure rules to detect the presence of this deployment type and click on Add Clause.
On the Detection Rule window, choose Setting Type as File System. Under Specify the file or folder to detect the app, set the following
Type – File
Path – %ProgramFiles%GIMP 2bin
File or Folder name – gimp-2.8.exe
Click OK and then Next.
Selection the Installation behavior as Install for system if resource is device else install for user, Logon requirement as Whether or not a user is logged on and Installation program visibility to Hidden. Click Next.
For rest of the steps click Next and finally click Close.
Right click the GIMP application and click on Distribute Content. After you distribute the application to DP, right click on the GIMP software and click on Deploy. Choose the Collection where this application is to be deployed. After few minutes the GIMP software can be seen in the Software Center. Select the app and click on Install. The app is downloaded from the DP and installed.
If you want to know what’s going in the background during the software installation, open the AppEnforce.log file on the client computer using CMTrace tool. If the app fails to install you check this file for troubleshooting purpose.
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