Failed to resolve the source for SMS PKGID hr=0x80070002 – Last week I was testing the OSD on a remote site and it failed. Well the error seen was Task Sequence has failed with the error code 0x80070002. This is a common error and you need to look into smsts.log file for actual error. This log file should reveal the error code that can be used for further troubleshooting. The DP was running in HTTPS mode and the task sequence failed at initial step. The actual error was “Failed to resolve the source for SMS PKGID=xxxxxxxx, hr=0x80070002”.
Also the following lines were also seen in smsts.log file.
Failed to run the action: Use Toolkit Package.
The system cannot find the file specified. (Error: 80070002; Source: Windows)
Install software failed to run command line, hr=0x80070002
Process completed with exit code 2147942402
Fix for Failed to resolve the source for SMS PKGID hr=0x80070002
First of all ensure the package is distributed to DP. If you see the package is available with the DP, then re-distribute the package (just once). You could check the status of this package under Monitoring > Content Status node. Also check if network access account is configured correctly.
In the next step I tried browsing the package using link http://SCCM Server FQDN/NOCERT_SMS_DP_SMSPKG$/PXXXXXXX. This should in turn display a directory listing package contents. But seems like this is where I got an error. In the browser it suggested to turn on TLS 1.0, TLS 1.1, and TLS 2.0 in advanced settings of browser. Because this package was not downloaded due to which the OSD failed.
Finally to resolve this issue, log in to the distribution point. Launch the IIS and edit the bindings for default web site. Select HTTPS and click Edit. In the Edit Site Binding window, choose the SSL cert that is generated and assigned to DP by certificate authority. Restart the IIS and OSD worked fine.
Also, if something else worked for you please add it in comments.
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