The CU4 for SCCM 2012 SP2 and SCCM 2012 R2 SP1 is available for download. The cumulative update fixes issues and adds some functionality. This update applies for both SCCM 2012 SP2 and SCCM 2012 R2 SP1. The hotfix is available for download here. In this post we will see what are the fixes and included functionality in CU4. I will be listing some important fixes and functionalities included with CU4. If you want complete description of fixes and functionalities, visit the hotfix download link.
CU4 for SCCM 2012 SP2 and SCCM 2012 R2 SP1
- MDM – Fixes the issue where the exchange connector synchronization fails. The errors are logged in a file EasDisc.log. Errors include “An item with the same key has already been added”. “Failed to check status of discovery thread of managed COM”. If you are seeing same errors in the EasDisc log file, then the CU4 should help.
- SMS Executive – The CU4 fixes the issue where SMS Executive service stops unexpectedly when it processes certificate data. Also, the service stops unexpectedly when the SMS_Despooler component is trying to delete a file.
- SQL – Fixes an issue when many users request for a policy update at same time. The CPU utilization on SQL server goes very high. I have observed this issue in my production environment and glad to see it fixed in this cumulative update.
- SCCM Console – Includes a fix for incorrect count of available software updates for Windows 10-based client images.
- OSD – Fixes issue where SMSTSRebootDelay does work correctly for multiple restarts. Fixes issue where TS execution engine times out in two minutes, instead of running up to a defined maximum.
- If you are linux user, Ubuntu Linux 16.04 can be targeted for software distribution. The client agents for OS other than Windows are available for download here.
- Fixes the issue where Mac inventory data isn’t processed correctly.
Installing Cumulative Update 4
In one of my posts i had shown the steps for installing CU3. The same steps are applicable for installing CU4 as well. The hotfix is applicable for only two products. SCCM 2012 Service Pack 2 and SCCM 2012 R2 Service Pack 1. Once you download the hotfix, close the configuration manager console and then install it. No restart is required when you install the hotfix. Also update your boot images to all the distribution points. To do that right click on boot images and click update distribution points.
Verify Cumulative Update 4 Install
Registry – Locate the registry key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\SMS\Setup. The CULevel value should be 4.
Admin Console – Launch the console, open the about system center configuration manager dialog box. The version should be 5.0.8239.1501.

Client Agent Version – The updated client agent version should be 5.00.8239.1501.
Endpoint Protection Client – The updated anti-malware client version should be 4.7.0214.0.
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