Latest ConfigMgr Technical Preview 2010.2

ConfigMgr Technical Preview 2010.2 ftimg

The ConfigMgr Technical Preview 2010.2 is released and it includes new features and lots of improvements.

You can download and install the SCCM Technical Preview 2010.2 update from Updates and Servicing node in ConfigMgr console. Click the following link to find out the previous technical preview builds and their version numbers.

I can see that Microsoft has been adding new features to Tenant Attach feature. The ConfigMgr technical preview 2010.2 release also includes some new features for tenant attach. In addition, we also get some improvements to older features.

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Install and Update Third Party Applications with Patch My PC

SCCM Technical Preview 2010.2 New Features

Let’s look at some of the new features and improvements in ConfigMgr technical preview 2010.2 release.

  • Validate internet access for the service connection point – If you use either Desktop Analytics or tenant attach, the service connection point now checks important internet endpoints. These checks help make sure that the cloud-connected services are available.
  • Additional options when creating app registrations in Azure Active Directory – With this new feature, you can now specify Never for the expiration of a secret key while creating Azure Active Directory app registrations.
  • Disable Azure AD authentication for onboarded tenants – You can now disable Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) authentication for tenants not associated with users and devices.
  • Immediate distribution point fallback for clients downloading software update delta content
  • Desktop Analytics support for new Windows 10 data levels
  • Improvements to deploy an OS over CMG using boot media
  • Improvements to BitLocker management – You can now manage BitLocker policies and escrow recovery keys over a cloud management gateway (CMG)
  • Uninstall, repair, or re-evaluate an application – Use a device that is synced from Configuration Manager via tenant attach to perform any of these actions.
  • New Tenant Attach Feature: Create and deploy firewall policies – You can now configure and deploy settings for Windows Defender Firewall with Advanced Security to tenant attached Windows 10 devices.
  • Tenant attach: Troubleshooting portal lists a user’s devices based on usage – With ConfigMgr 2010.2 release, tenant attached devices that are assigned user device affinity automatically based on usage will now be returned when searching for a user.

Install Configuration Manager Technical Preview 2010.2

To install ConfigMgr Technical Preview 2010.2

  • Launch the Configuration Manager console.
  • Go to Administration > Overview > Updates and Servicing.
  • Right click Configuration Manager Technical Preview 2010.2 update and click Install Update Pack.
Install Configuration Manager Technical Preview 2010.2
Install Configuration Manager Technical Preview 2010.2

Since this is a technical preview build I am going to ignore the prerequisite warnings. Click Next.

Install Configuration Manager Technical Preview 2010.2
Install Configuration Manager Technical Preview 2010.2

Click Next.

Install SCCM Technical Preview 2010.2
Install SCCM Technical Preview 2010.2

On the Completion window, click Close.

Install SCCM Technical Preview 2010.2
Install SCCM Technical Preview 2010.2

After installing the update, you must upgrade the console. The new version of console will be 5.2010.1091.1000.

ConfigMgr 2010.2 Console Upgrade
ConfigMgr 2010.2 Console Upgrade

Finally let’s check the Configuration Manager version.

  • Version 2010 for technical preview
  • Console version – 5.2010.1091.1000
  • Site Version – 5.0.9039.1000
About Microsoft Endpoint Configuration Manager Technical Preview 2010.2
About Microsoft Endpoint Configuration Manager Technical Preview 2010.2
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