You install SCCM client agent and notice that client agent failed to install. You open the ccmsetup.log file and see “Retrieved package version smaller than expected version” Content is not ready yet.
In addition to the above lines, the log files contains some common errors. You see the line MP didn’t return DP locations for client package with the expected version.
The log file also contains – GetDPLocations failed with error 0x87d00215. Yet another common error and I see lot of questions related to this error in community forums.
The above lines are logged in ccmsetup.log file. While we also see the line “Retrying in 30 minutes”, the client agent never installs. From my experience we don’t see this line too often. However the point is how do we install the client agent when we get this error.
Retrieved package version smaller than the expected version in CCMSetup.log
I have collected the below lines from ccmsetup.log file located on client computer. If you are seeing the same line retrieved package version is smaller than the expected version, let’s see the steps to fix this.
LOG[CCMSETUP bootstrap from Internet: 0 LOG component="ccmsetup" context="" type="1" thread="11460" file="util.cpp:3198" LOG[AllowFallbackToUnprotectedDP = 0 LOG component="ccmsetup" context="" type="1" thread="11460" file="siteinfo.cpp:335" LOG[Retrieved package version '19'. But it is smaller than the expected version '20'. Content is not ready yet.LOG component="ccmsetup" context="" type="2" thread="11460" file="siteinfo.cpp:351" LOG[GetDPLocations failed with error 0x87d00215 LOG component="ccmsetup" context="" type="3" thread="11460" file="siteinfo.cpp:635" LOG[Failed to get DP locations as the expected version from MP 'http://corpsccm.prajwal.local'. Error 0x87d00215 LOG component="ccmsetup" context="" type="2" thread="11460" file="ccmsetup.cpp:12113" LOG[MP 'http://corpsccm.prajwal.local' didn't return DP locations for client package with the expected version. Retrying in 30 minutes.LOG component="ccmsetup" context="" type="2" thread="11460" file="ccmsetup.cpp:11913" LOG[Next retry in 30 minute(s)...LOG component="ccmsetup" context="" type="0" thread="11460" file="ccmsetup.cpp:9899"
Basic Info
- Always check the boundary and boundary group configuration before you deploy client agents. In most cases I see people miss out on configuring the boundary or fail to associate correct distribution point to the boundary group.
- I also see a lot of admins uninstall management point and install it back. That’s the last thing you must do and I advise don’t do it until you have done all the troubleshooting.
Coming back to topic, the boundary and boundary group are configured correctly. However the client agent install still fails.
To fix retrieved package version is smaller than the expected version perform below steps.

- In the SCCM console, go to Software Library > Application Management > Packages.
- Right click the Configuration Manager client package and select Update Distribution Points.
- Notice that the source version of this package is incremented because you updated the package.
Try installing the client agent now and the installation should work. If something else worked for you, do let me know in comments section.
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