This post is a SCCM 1602 step by step upgrade guide. We also saw the new features and improvements in Configuration Manager version 1602 in my last post. This guide will assume that you are running SCCM 1511 version. Because in order to upgrade to version 1602 you must be running ConfigMgr version 1511. If you have installed Configuration Manager 2012 R2 SP1, you must first upgrade to version 1511, and then you’ll be able to use the new in-console servicing upgrade feature to upgrade your hierarchy to 1602. If you are running Configuration Manager version 1511, check the Updates and Servicing node and you should find the update.

If you are running Configuration Manager 2012 R2 SP1 or older than that, here are some links that might help you to upgrade to Configuration Manager 1511.

In-Place Upgrade to ConfigMgr 1511

SCCM 1511 Quick Installation Guide

As per Microsoft, the update 1602 will be rolled out globally in the coming weeks. You need not install as it will downloaded. Once downloaded you can install from the “Updates and Servicing” node in your SCCM console. If you don’t see anything under Updates and Servicing node, don’t worry you can run PowerShell script to get this update. You cannot download this update from any site as the updates are only available from console. However you should note that top-level site in the hierarchy is where the upgrade should start from(it should be CAS first and then primary sites).

SCCM 1602 step by step upgrade guide

I will be running the PowerShell script to get the update quickly. On the primary site server, open the powershell console and run the script by appending with the site server name. The siteservername is your CAS or stand-alone Primary. We can see that the command has completed successfully.

SCCM 1602 step by step upgrade guide

In the console, click on Administration > click on Overview > click on Cloud Services > click Updates and Servicing. When you run the script, the State is changed to “Downloading“. Once the update is downloaded we see that there is Configuration Manager 1602 upgrade available. The state is now changed to Available.

SCCM 1602 step by step upgrade guide

Open the “dmpdownloader.log” from your SCCM install directory to see the download progress. You should see EasySetupPayload sub-directory under your ConfigMgr installation root. In my case I got a warning: Failed to obtain easy setup payload. Retry in the next polling cycle. You can ignore this warning as I got the update downloaded without any issues.

SCCM 1602 step by step upgrade guide

you see two options when you right click on the update node  –

a) Install Update Pack – This steps installs the update pack. Once you complete the “Run Prerequisite Check” step you can install update pack.

b) Run prerequisite check – You should run this step before you run the update pack install. If this step is successful, then you would see the change in state of Prereq Only from No to Yes.

Now select the update and right click on the update and click Run prerequisite check. Open the ConfigMgrPrereq.log located in the C drive to monitor the prerequisite check process. If every thing goes well you will find line in the log file which reads “Prerequisite checking is completed“.

SCCM 1602 step by step upgrade guide

In the console, we now see that the State is Prerequisite check passed. We also see that Prereq only is set to Yes.

SCCM 1602 step by step upgrade guide

Right click on the update and click Install Update Pack.

SCCM 1602 step by step upgrade guide

You will now see Configuration Manager Updates wizard. Click Next.

SCCM 1602 step by step upgrade guide

The update pack includes some new features, you may leave the features checked or uncheck them and enable it later. In the below screenshot I have enabled all the features and clicked Next.

SCCM 1602 step by step upgrade guide

Click Upgrade without validating and then click on Next.

SCCM 1602 step by step upgrade guide

Click on I Accept the license terms and click Next.

SCCM 1602 step by step upgrade guide

Finally you close the wizard.

SCCM 1602 step by step upgrade guide

In the background the update is being installed. The state of the update is seen as Installing.

SCCM 1602 step by step upgrade guide

To monitor the update process, open the CMUpdate.log and wait for the process to complete.

SCCM 1602 step by step upgrade guide

In my case the upgrade took around 20 minutes to complete. Once the upgrade is complete, the state is changed to Installed. We  have successfully upgraded our Configuration Manager 1511 version to 1602 version.

SCCM 1602 step by step upgrade guide

Install and Update Third Party Applications with Patch My PC
Install and Update Third Party Applications with Patch My PC

Post this upgrade, there are some more steps such as updating the console, client version etc. I will be covering this in the next post. Thanks for reading the post.

Still Need Help?

If you need further assistance on the above article or want to discuss other technical issues, check out some of these options.

Prajwal Desai

Prajwal Desai is a technology expert and 10 time Dual Microsoft MVP (Most Valuable Professional) with a strong focus on Microsoft Intune, SCCM, Windows 365, Enterprise Mobility, and Windows. He is a renowned author, speaker, & community leader, known for sharing his expertise & knowledge through his blog, YouTube, conferences, webinars etc.