Welcome to the post that covers installing SCCM 2012 prerequisites. If you have landed on to this post, let me brief you about it’s related posts. This post is a part of SCCM 2012 installation in lab setup. Before we install SCCM, we have to first install Configuration Manager prerequisites. This is more about preparing the server before you install Configuration Manager.
In Part 1 I covered active directory installation required for SCCM. Part 2 covers the steps to create system management container and extend the active directory schema. I suggest you complete the steps mentioned those posts. If you already done that, proceed with steps mentioned in this post. We will install per-requisites and prepare our server for SCCM installation.
Configuration Manager requires some features to be installed. Please install the prerequisites as per the steps listed below.
Install SCCM 2012 Prerequisites
Let us now install SCCM 2012 prerequisites. On the server, launch Server Manager. Select the Features option and click Add Features.
Select .Net Framework 3.5.1 Features, click Next. What are the options do I need to select ?
Common HTTP Features Static Content Default Document Directory Browsing HTTP Errors HTTP Redirection
Application Development ASP.NET .NET Extensibility ASP ISAPI Extensions ISAPI Filters
Health and Diagnostics HTTP logging Logging tools Request Monitor Tracing
Security Basic Authentication Windows Authentication URL Authorization Request Filtering IP and Domain Restrictions
Performance Static Content Compression
Management Tools IIS Management Console IIS Management Scripts and Tools Management Service IIS 6 Management Compatibilty IIS 6 Metabase Compatibility IIS 6 WMI Compatibility IIS 6 Scripting Tools IIS 6 Management Console
Click Install and wait for few minutes to complete the Installation. Furthermore a server reboot can be done after installing the features.
Install .Net Framework 4.0
In the next step, download and install .Net Framework 4. This takes a while to install.
Installing BITS and Remote Differential Compression

Launch the server manager, Select features and click in Add Features. Select BITS and Remote Differential Compression. Click Close to finish the feature setup wizard.
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