It’s been quite sometime now that I have been playing with SCOM version 1801. When i installed operations manager version 1801 in my lab setup, it never asked for a product key during installation. I knew i was running an evaluation version of this product. However I was curious to find out a way to convert SCOM evaluation version to full version.

First of all to upgrade from an evaluation version of Operations Manager to a licensed version, you must obtain a valid product key from Microsoft. When you install SCOM version 1801, you can use the evaluation version up to 180 days. Once you complete the evaluation period, you must activate the product using a license key. While you already have the SCOM 1801 license key with you, why not activate it right away.

There are two ways to upgrade from SCOM evaluation version to full version.

  • Activate SCOM using PowerShell.
  • Enter SCOM product key via Operations Manager Console. Probably the easiest one out of both.

Convert SCOM Evaluation Version to Full Version

Before we convert SCOM evaluation version to full version, let us determine the license version and time of expiration. Both of these can retrieved with a simple command. The SCOM license version is either Eval or Retail. If it shows (Eval), then your installation is an evaluation version.

Launch the PowerShell as administrator. Run the below command.

Get-SCOMManagementGroup | ft skuforlicense, version, timeofexpiration –a

Convert SCOM Evaluation Version to Full VersionSo as per the output, I am running SCOM Eval version 7.3.13142.0. The time of expiration is also shown in the command output.

Activate SCOM from Operations Manager Console

To upgrade evaluation version of system center operations manager to full version –

  • Launch (SCOM) Operations Manager console.
  • On the Top menu, click Help > About.
  • On the window, it shows the SCOM version number.
  • Click Activate button.

Convert SCOM Evaluation Version to Full Version

Enter the product key in the box and click Continue.

Convert SCOM Evaluation Version to Full Version

You will now see license agreement box. It shows Product has been licensed successfully. Please restart your data access service. Click OK.

Convert SCOM Evaluation Version to Full VersionClose the Operations Manager console. Restart the data access service. Launch the operations manager console and check the Help > About. It should now show the license type as Retail.

Activate SCOM Using PowerShell

The second method to upgrade SCOM evaluation version to full version is via PowerShell.

Note – To perform the below steps successfully, the account used should be a member of :-

  • Operations Manager administrators role.
  • Computer’s local Administrators group on the management server
  • Must have granted temporary membership of the sysadmin fixed server role on the SQL Server instance hosting the Operations Manager operational database.

Run the below commands in order to activate SCOM using PowerShell.

  1. Launch the PowerShell as administrator.
  2. Run the command Import-Module OperationsManager.
  3. Run the command Set-SCOMLicense – ProductID ‘XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX’
  4. Enter the management server. You will asked to enter the credentials.
  5. Enter Y to confirm the activation.
  6. SCOM will be activated using the supplied product key.

Convert SCOM Evaluation Version to Full Version

To confirm if SCOM is activated, run the PowerShell command again and you should see the license is changed from Eval to Retail.

Convert SCOM Evaluation Version to Full Version

Still Need Help?

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Prajwal Desai

Prajwal Desai is a technology expert and 10 time Dual Microsoft MVP (Most Valuable Professional) with a focus on Microsoft Intune, SCCM, Windows 365, Enterprise Mobility, and Windows. He is a renowned author, speaker, & community leader, known for sharing his expertise & knowledge through his blog, YouTube, conferences, webinars etc.